Saturday, July 25, 2020

異像谷 THE VALLEY OF VISION (以賽亞書 Isaiah 22:1-14)

讀經:  賽廿二1~14
SCRIPTURE READING:   Isaiah 22:1-14

釋義:  「異像谷」指耶路撒冷, 因為耶路撒冷是位於幾個山谷之中, 故在地形上, 便是一個山谷。稱呼「異像谷」, 可能因為以賽亞就在這山谷中得著神啟示他的異像; 更可能的,耶路撒冷是神異像的核心, 所以這山谷稱為「異像的谷」。

INSIGHT:  “The valley of vision” is referring to Jerusalem; because Jerusalem is surrounded by several valleys. So, based on its terrain, it is a valley. Referred to as “the valley of vision”, perhaps it is where Isaiah received the vision from God. But a more likely explanation is that Jerusalem is the core of God’s vision, hence the title “the valley of vision”.

本章所講論的, 主要是指主前七○一年亞述王西拿基立圍攻耶路撒冷城一事。  「積聚下池的水」(9)是希西家造了一個水池與一條隧道, 預備西拿基立圍攻時作持久戰(參王下廿20) 「修補城牆」(10) 指希西家在代下卅二5記載的防禦工程。

The background of this chapter mainly is the siege of Jerusalem by the Assyrian king Sennacherib in 701 BC. “The waters of the lower pool“ (9) is the water brought in by the pool and the conduit built by Hezekiah as preparation for a persistent battle against Sennacherib’s siege (refer to 2 Kings 20:20). “Fortify the wall” (10) refers to Hezekiah’s defense initiative recorded in 2 Chronicles 32:5.

但「那日」(12)也遙指主前五八八至五八六年尼布甲尼撒最後一次圖城, 終於進行全面毀滅。「你們中間被殺的並不是被刀殺,也不是因打仗死亡」(2)預言巴比倫人圍城時, 耶路撒冷人因疾病和饑荒而死。  「長官一同逃跑」指那時西底家與他的軍隊逃離耶路撒冷, 卻在耶利哥附近被俘(王下廿五4-6)

But “that day” (12) pertains to the prediction of a different event, the final massacre by  Nebuchadnezzar in 588 - 586 BC that results in total destruction of the city. “Your slain are not slain with the sword or dead in battle” (2) prophesies people of Jerusalem dying from diseases and famines during the Babylonian siege. “All your leaders have fled together“ (3) refers to the escape of Zedekiah and his army which, however, ends with their capture near Jericho (2 King 25:4-6).

這段聖經最令人心驚膽戰的是:「萬軍之耶和華親自默示我說:  『這罪孽直到你們死,斷不得赦免!』」(14)以賽亞指出這罪孽的兩方面:不仰望神(11) 他們寧願仰望逃跑的官長理(3)、林庫的軍器(8) 和企圖用自己力量築城蓄水(10-11), 「卻不仰望做這事的主,也不顧念從古定這事的。」  不投靠救恩, 自然罪不得赦免。頑梗不聽從神的招呼(12-13) 神叫人哭泣哀號、剃頭、披麻布, 要求人表示為罪痛悔。誰知耶路撒冷城的行徑竟與巴比倫一樣(見廿一5), 危難當頭仍然荒宴玩樂,:「我們吃喝吧!因為明天要死了。」  神不能拯救自暴自棄的人。

The most frightening thing in this passage is:  ‘The LORD of hosts has revealed Himself in my ears: “Surely this iniquity will not be atoned for you until you die,”‘ (14) Isaiah points out two aspects of the iniquity:   i) Not looking to God (11) -- They would rather look to the fleeing leaders (3) and weapons of the House of the Forest (8); and they use their own strength to attempt to build reservoirs to store water (10-11);  “But you did not look to Him who did it, or see Him who planned it long ago.”   Failure to rely on God’s grace consequently leads to one’s sin unatoned for.  ii) Obstinacy and not following God’s calling (12-13) -- God calls for people to weep, mourn, shave their heads, and wear sackcloth to express their repentance of sins. Who would have thought that Jerusalem’s way is no different from Babylon’s (see 21:5)?   Despite imminent calamity, the people of Jerusalem indulge themselves in feasts and revelries, saying, “Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die.” (13)   God cannot save people who give up on themselves and engage in self-destructive behaviors.

Emil L. Fackenheim 研究猶太人的宗教經驗, 發現在他們歷來遭遇的眾多痛苦中, 唯一支持他們奮鬥下去的, 便是對彌賽亞的盼望。  神曾對他們祖先應許會賜下彌賽亞, 拯救民族脫離苦境, 這是他們的盼望和出路。  他們必須謹守信仰, 在艱難險惡的環境中堅持著, 更不可灰心喪志。  他們必須常存盼望, 因為神命令他們對未來存有盼望。

Emil L. Fackenheim studied the experience of the Jewish religion and found that, in the midst of their painful experiences, the only thing that sustains them is the hope of the Messiah.  God has made a promise to their forefathers to send the Messiah to deliver them from oppression and suffering; and this is their hope and their way out.  They must be faithful, persevere through hardships, and most importantly, must not be discouraged.  They must remain hopeful always, because God commands them to hold out hope for their future.

我們面對試煉和苦難, 即使是犯罪的後果, 總不可放棄回到神的施恩座前求幫助。因為不是罪, 而是自暴自棄令人與神的赦罪隔絕。

When we face trials and sufferings, even as a result of sins, never give up going in front of God’s throne of grace to ask for help.  For it is not sin, but giving up and self-destruction that is cutting us off from the atonement of God.

每日讀經  by 洪同勉牧師 Rev. Tommy Hung

Monday, July 20, 2020


讀經:  以賽亞書 廿一1-17

SCRIPTURE READING:  Isaiah 21:1-17

釋義:  本章的特色是論三個地方的默示中, 第一和第二個沒有指明國家名字。  「海旁曠野」可以指巴比倫, 因它的邊界南伸至亞拉伯曠野, 境內散佈湖沼,另有幼發拉底河流過,地勢平坦,國土猶如海旁的淺灘(51:42-43)。這段的主題,乍看起來,好像是說到巴比倫的覆亡(9) 但首先巴比倫的命運已在上文仔細說及(十三1-十四23): 而其次,這信息的標題, 不是「論巴比倫的默示」,而是「論海旁曠野的默示」。因此這不是其中一篇論及外邦列國的神諭, 不是要我們去注意個別的外邦國家,而是從這一段在聖經中,留意先知經驗中最生動與感人的描述。

INSIGHT:  This chapter has a unique characteristic – the name of the nation is not specified in the first or the second oracle concerning 3 places.  “The wilderness of the sea” may be referring to Babylon because its border stretches southward to the Arabian desert, with swamps scattered all over the territory; also, with the Euphrates flowing through and its terrain being flat and open, it makes the land look like a shoal by the sea (Jeremiah 51:42-43). At first glance, the theme seems to be about the fall of Babylon (9).  However, first, the fate of Babylon had already been discussed in previous chapters (13:1, 14:23).  Second, the title of this message is not “An Oracle about Babylon”, but “The Oracle Concerning the Wilderness of the Sea”.  Therefore, this is not one of the oracles about foreign nations that call for our attention, but it is one that asks us to take a closer look at the most vivid and moving description of the prophet’s experience.

3-4節所表達的不是巴比倫的命運,而同樣是先知在可怕毀滅異象中的個人痛苦。  這經驗似乎是他不能承受的。

Verse 3-4 is not a description of Babylon’s fate, but an expression of the prophet’s pain in a terrifying vision of destruction.  It appears that the experience is quite unbearable for him.

6-12節提及兩個國家, 都是神吩咐先知作守望者。 (5,6,8,11,12)他兩次看見軍隊騎著馬, 一對一對的來。(7,9)第一次他看見的是將來巴比倫軍隊來圍攻, 但第二次神讓他看見更遠的景象: 巴比倫的傾倒。  神要我們的目光放長遠些。  目前也許困難重重, 但是我們若能提升屬靈眼光, 從高處遠眺, 就得見神在掌管歷史前途, 可以放膽倚靠祂。

Verses 6 to 12 mention two nations; for both, God commands the prophet to act as their watchman (5,6,8,11,12). Twice he sees riders and horsemen in pairs (7,9).  The first time he sees the siege of the Babylonian army.  But the second time, God lets him see further – the fall of Babylon.  God wants us to look further ahead.  Perhaps there are lots of difficulties at the moment, but if we elevate our spiritual vision, looking at it from a higher level, we will see that God is in control of history and He holds the future, and we can rely on Him with full confidence.

論度瑪的默示(11-12), 守望者告訴我們, 信仰的眼光除了遠眺廣長的空間外, 也要安靜等候佳音(度瑪意思是靜寂)

In the oracle concerning Dumah (11-12), the watchman tells us that apart from looking at things with faith from far away, it is also vital for our spiritual health to wait on God’s promises quietly (Dumah means silence).

「一年之內, 照雇工的年數, 基達的一切榮耀必歸於無有」(16), 比較上文三年的雇工年數(十六13廿3), 說明黑夜已深, 曙光將露, 再多忍片刻, 使可見神恩典的作為。

“Within a year, according to the years of a hired worker, all the glory of Kedar will come to an end.” (16) Compared to the 3 years mentioned in the earlier passage, it illustrates that the night is about to be over, and dawn will soon come. Be patient a little longer, and you will see God’s grace at work.

忍一時, 風平浪靜; 退一步, 海闊天空。今日可能你面對挑戰如同波浪, 但願你能如以利沙禱告, 說: 「耶和華啊, 求你開我,這少年人的眼目,使我能看見。」  耶和華就開你的眼目,你就看 見滿山有火車火馬圍繞。 (王下六17)

With a little forbearance, you will find peace like a calm sea. Take a little step back, you will have space as boundless as the sky and the sea.  Today you may be facing challenges like tidal waves coming at you.  I encourage you to pray like Elisha saying, ‘O LORD, please open my eyes that I may see.’  The LORD will open your eyes, and you will see the mountains full of horses and chariots of fire all around you. (2 Kings 6:17)

每日讀經  by 洪同勉牧師 Rev. Tommy Hung

Tuesday, July 14, 2020


沒有把握的倚靠  RELYING ON THE UNRELIABLE  (以賽亞書 ISAIAH 20:1-6)

讀經: 以賽亞書 廿1~6


釋義:  最後一篇論及埃及與古實的豫言是和其餘前面的不同, 這是以歷史事件作開始:「亞述王撒珥根打發…到亞實突的那年」, 而不是以「當那日」或相似的字詞開始。

INSIGHT:  The last prophecy about Egypt and Cush is different from all the previous ones. It starts with a historical event, ‘In the year that the commander in chief, who was sent by Sargon the king of Assyria…’ instead of wording like ‘In that day’.


This short passage mentions 3 important events:

撒珥根攻取非利士城市亞實突(1) --  圍攻亞實突這事清楚地記載在亞述的編年史中。根據記錄, 撒珥根(主前七二一至七○五年)命令亞述軍隊, 而不是如一節所言, 由他的「他珥探」(tartan,意思是總司令)負責領兵; 聖經可能保存了撒珥根攻打亞實突城的細節。亞實突在被圍攻三年後, 於主前七一一年失守。

SARGON ATTACKED AND CAPTURED ASHDOD, A PHILISTINE CITY (1) -- The siege of Ashdod was clearly recorded in Assyria’s chronicles.  According to the records, Sargon (721 – 705 BC) himself commanded the Assyrian army, whereas verse 1 indicates that Tartan (meaning commander in chief) was in command. The difference probably arises from the Bible preserving the detail of the attack. After a siege for 3 years, Ashdod fell in 711 BC.

先知為時三年之久的非常行為(2-3) --  以賽亞的行動可能象徵亞實突被攻陷:  麻布代表了哀哭(例撒下廿一10),這一定是說到亞實突的遭遇(參十四29-31)。 哀哭者要赤身露體, 哀器被羞辱所取代, 那些為非利士人之死而哀哭的人, 包括埃及人與古實人, 他們將遭打敗, 被迫放逐。所以先知以其行動來象徵非利士人過去的命運, 以及埃及人和古實人未來的遭遇。在聖經關於先知行為的記載中,這種象徵式的行動並不罕見,例「基拿拿的兒子造了兩個鐵角,說,耶和華如此說, 你要用角抵觸亞蘭人,直到將他們滅盡」(王上廿二11)。以西結展
示了更細膩的「動作喻言」(結十二1-16),還有其他例子(參耶十三1-7; 十九章)

THE PROPHET DEMONSTRATES BIZARRE BEHAVIOR FOR 3 YEARS (2-3) -- Isaiah’s actions perhaps symbolize the fall of Ashdod:  Sackcloth represents wailing (example, 2 Samuel 21:10) for Ashdod’s calamity (refer to 14:29-31).  Mourners are to go around stripped and barefoot, with wailing replaced by shame; those mourning for the Philistines include Egyptians and Cushites; they are about to be defeated and exiled.  So, the prophet uses his actions to symbolize the Philistines’ fate in the past and the Egyptians’ and Cushites’ upcoming calamities. Regarding the prophet’s bizarre behavior, this type of symbolic actions is not uncommon. Here is an example - “And Zedekiah the son of Chenaanah made for himself horns of iron and said, “Thus says the LORD, ‘With these you shall push the Syrians until they are destroyed.’” “(1 King 22:11).  In another one, Ezekiel exhibits a more exquisite ‘action prophecy’ (Ezekiel 12:1-16). More examples can be found in 13:1-7 and chapter 19.

亞述王 擊敗 埃及與古實 --   我們知道這第三件事發生於主前七○一年, 但以賽亞宣告時還是未曾發生的預言。不久倚仗埃及的古實王朝再次作反,並煽動鄰國聯同抵抗亞述。可是在亞述軍再度南下平亂時,古實王並沒有履行盟約給巴勒斯坦的友邦任何支援,叛變最後失敗。  這篇預言正好警惕猶大勿仰賴自身難保的埃及。

THE KING OF ASSYRIA DEFEATS EGYPT AND CUSH -- We know that these 3 events happened in 701 BC, not fulfilled yet at the time of Isaiah’s prophecy.  Not long after the proclamation, the king of Cush who relied on Egypt rebelled again and incited neighboring nations to resist Assyria. However, when the Assyrian army moved south once again to neutralize the threat, Cush did not comply with the alliance agreement to back up his Palestinian allies. In the end, the insurrection failed. This prophecy is a warning against Judah relying on Egypt who can hardly save herself. 

兩個印弟安人問巫師今年冬天會不會很寒冷。「一定會,」巫師回答, 「你最好採集大量木柴。」

Two native American Indians asked a wiseman whether the coming winter would be very cold.  The wiseman answered, ‘Definitely, you’d better stash away plenty of wood.’

一連幾星期, 許多人都向巫師求教, 而他也作了同樣的回答。可是, 他私下卻開始懷疑自己對神靈朕兆的解釋是否正確, 於是打電話向氣象台一位專家求證。專家說: 「今年冬天一定非常寒冷, 你看, 那些印弟安人正在瘋狂地收集木柴呢!

Several weeks in a row, many people sought advice from the wiseman, and he gave the same answer. But deep down, he started to question his interpretation of his god’s omen. So, he phoned an expert at the weather observatory to get confirmation.  The expert said, ‘This winter is going to be very cold for sure, you see, the native American Indians are collecting wood frantically!’
請問你在解決所面對的困難時是否有肯定的把握? 不要倚靠世界虛浮的事物, 仰望主, 祂才是唯一和真正的把握。

When you face a problem, do you have absolute confidence in the solution? Don’t rely on the fleeting and volatile worldly things.  Look to the Lord.  He is the only one in whom we can truly rely on.

每日讀經  by 洪同勉牧師 Rev. Tommy Hung

Friday, July 3, 2020

埃及人出埃及 THE EGYPTIAN EXODUS (以賽亞書 Isaiah 19:16-25)

讀經:  以賽亞書 十九16~25

SCRIPTURE READING:  Isaiah 19:16-25

釋義:  神雖擊打埃及, 懲罰她的崇邪與惡行, 但至終要施行拯救, 叫她回轉。本段可分五小段, 每一小段都以「當那日」開始(16, 18-19, 23-24) , 遙指將來耶和華建立彌賽亞國度的日子。

INSIGHT:  God strikes Egypt to punish her for worshiping idols and for her wickedness; yet God delivers and calls for her revival at the end.  This passage can be divided into 5 small sections, each starting with “In that day” (16, 18-19, 23-24), foretelling the day when the Lord will establish the kingdom of the Messiah.    

以賽亞預見外邦人歸主, 在這裏藉以色列自古以來的敵人埃及作代表象徵(參三十2-5)。這五段逐步道出埃及人的回轉、信奉耶和華, 而最後更刻劃出國家之間再無戰事、和平共存的情景。這過程從開始是畏懼(16-17), 繼而順服(18),然後有神賜予的途徑(19-22:「壇」和「祭物」), 再後是相交(23)及完全的接納(24-25)

Isaiah foresees the gentiles turning to God, using Egypt, the Israelites’ enemy since ancient times, as a symbol (30:2-5).  These 5 sections gradually unfold the turning of the Egyptians to the Lord, revealing a peaceful scene with no more wars among the nations at the end.  This process starts with fear (16-17), followed by submission (18), then the blessing of a pathway to God (19-22, “altar” and “sacrifice”), and ending with fellowship (23) and total acceptance (24-25).

20-22節描述埃及將來景況的字詞, 與以色列人出埃及前的情形有許多相同:  「記號」(出三12譯作「證據」8等是「神蹟」); 「欺壓」(出三9); 「哀求」(出三7,9的「哀聲」); 「差遣」(即出三10-12「打發」); 「拯救」(出三8「救」); 「埃及人必認識耶和華」(出六7510); 「敬拜」(出三12譯為「事奉」); 「擊打埃及」(2「蹧蹋」; 十二23等「擊殺」) 這些相同的用字表達神愛「世人」的心意。神拯救以色列人離開埃及; 將來也同樣拯救以色列人的敵人。神救贖的旨意是一視同仁、不論國籍、無分敵我。
There are a lot of similarities in the wording used to describe the future of Egypt in verse 20-22 and the wording previously used on the Israelites before they left Egypt:   “sign” (Exodus 3:12 translated to “sign”, 4:8 etc. “sign”),  “oppression” (Exodus 3:9),  ”pleas” (Exodus 3:7,9 “cry”),  “send” (Exodus 3:10-12 “send”),  “deliver” (Exodus 3:8 “deliver”), “the Egyptians will know the Lord” (Exodus 6:7, 7:5, 8:10 etc.), “worship” (Exodus 3:12 “serve”), “strike Egypt” (Exodus 2 “ruin“, 12:23 etc. “strike”).  The similarity in wording shows that God loves ‘the world’.  He brought the Israelites out of Egypt.  He will also deliver the enemies of the Israelites.  God’s plan is to save everyone, regardless of nationality or political association.

先知破除了長久的隔離, 稱埃及作「我的百姓」, 亞述為「我手的工作」,這都是一些本來只可用於以色列的親切說話。此種寬廣的世界觀, 經常被民族主義所遮蓋, 尤其是以色列人從被擄歸回後, 更極度排斥外邦, 這種種族歧視實在與以賽亞所講的背道而馳。
The prophet abolishes the long-standing segregation, calling Egypt “my people “, and Assyria “the work of my hands “, affectionate expressions that had only been used exclusively on Israel.  This type of panoramic and impartial perspective of the world is often taken over by nationalism, especially after the Israelites returned from captivity; they have been extremely hostile towards the gentiles.  This type of discrimination is essentially the opposite of what Isaiah says. 
本段的教訓在今天較任何時候都來得真實, 以色列人與巴勒斯坦人的爭鬥、仇視阿拉伯民族國家的現況比聖經時代有過之而無不及。這也挑戰我們怎樣看猶太教、基督教與回教的相亙關係。有多少的基督徒可以這樣說:「當那日,教會必與埃及亞述三者一律成為地上的祝福」?

The teaching of this passage cannot be more relevant today than any other times.  The fight between the Israelis and the Palestinians, and Israel’s hostility towards the Arab countries are worse now than in biblical times.   It also challenges how we view the relationship between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.  How many Christians can say ‘In that day the church will be third with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing in the midst of the earth’?

伊士曼所編天主教教宗若望保祿廿三世的演講集中, 首頁刊登了一張教宗在梵蒂岡會議第二晚的照片。
In the collection of Pope John XXIII’s speeches, posted on the first page is a photo of the pope from the night of the second Vatican Council.
「教宗站在他書房的窗口, 向下面聖彼得廣場上成千上萬個歡呼的天主教徒微笑示意。他叫眾人安靜後, 跟他們講話: 『回家去吧,』他說: 『把愛從這裡傳佈到全世界。』」

‘Standing at the window of his study, the pope smiled to the thousands of cheering Catholics in St. Peter’s Square.  He called for the crowd to calm down, and then addressed them saying, “When you go back to your home, spread the love from here to the whole world.”’


Nothing is more important than uniting the people of the world in the love of Christ.  

每日讀經  by 洪同勉牧師 Rev. Tommy Hung