Thursday, May 6, 2021

咒詛巴比倫 CURSING BABYLON (Isaiah 以賽亞書 47: 1 - 15) — 每日讀經 by 洪同勉牧師 Rev. Tommy Hung


“Do I not hate those who hate You, O Lord?  And do I not loathe those who rise up against You?”



經文:  Isaiah   以賽亞書  47: 1 - 15

釋義 :  前章先知揶揄巴比倫假神, 本章則講論拜那些偶像的巴比倫人徹底的羞辱。

Insight: In the previous chapter, the prophet teased the fake gods of Babylon.   In this chapter, the prophet speaks on the utter humiliation of the Babylonians who worship these idols.

此首關於巴比倫傾覆的長篇諷刺, 近乎咒詛的詩,是以哀歌的形式寫成,充滿了辛酸挖苦的話。一般來說, 哀歌列出悲慘的細節來引發人對受害者的同情(例如為耶路撒冷傾覆而作的耶利米哀歌),但本章此;卻充滿幸災樂禍的卑下語言;其如此苦毒與暴虐,以致有人質問這怎能包括在經卷之中。不過我們必須緊記以下數點:

This lengthy poem of sarcasm about the fall of Babylon that sounds more like a curse is written in the form of a lament.  It is full of bitter, ironic, and tormenting language.  Generally speaking, laments usually present details of the misery to evoke sympathy for the victims (such as the Book of Lamentations written for the fall of Jerusalem).  Yet this chapter is full of distasteful language of gloating.  It is so bitter and brutal that people ask how it could be included in the Bible.  However, we must remember the following:

    ●  首先,此篇詩正如詩篇一三七篇與其他經文(例賽四十五14四十九23,26),毫無疑問是神子民在戰敗和受欺壓最壞的情況下寫成的。先知代表以色列人盼望巴比倫女子露體蒙羞, 聲言: 「我要報仇, 誰也不寬容。」(3)我們沒辦法來為這些態度辯護,但我們任何人假裝此種報復心並不存在,或假裝我們從沒有如此的感覺,是同樣的不合適。在定咒詛者為有罪之外,更需要我們的同情心。

First, this poem is exactly like Psalm 137 and other scriptures (such as Isaiah 45:14, 49:23, 26) that there is no doubt they were all written when God’s people were defeated and when oppression was at its worst.   Speaking on behalf of the Israelites, the prophet wishes the humiliation of uncovered nakedness on Babylonian women, saying, “I will take vengeance, and I will spare no one.” (3)  We have no way to defend the attitude.  But it is equally inappropriate for any of us to pretend that this urge for revenge does not exist or that we have never felt like that before.  Apart from judging the person who put a curse on others, what is more pressing is to give them our sympathy.  

    ●  其次,我們要記得,同樣惡毒的話於本書較早篇幅中,也是用來攻擊耶路撒冷(例三16-26)。換句話說,任何人若是犯了殘忍暴行的罪,不論是對窮人(如賽三章)或針對被征服諸國的子民(如巴比倫罪惡的例子),均會被嚴厲地懲罰。這不在乎他們是否上帝子民或外邦人,而在乎公義在其中。

Second, we have to remember, previously in this book, the same vicious language was employed to attack Jerusalem (example, 3:16-26).  In other words, anyone who committed a cruel and violent crime, whether it is the poor (example, Isaiah chapter 3) or the people of the defeated nations (example of the crime of Babylon), they will be punished harshly.  It does not matter whether they are God’s people or gentiles.  It is a matter of righteousness.

    ●  第三,巴比倫是邪惡的象徵(例如在啟示錄十八章)。在熱烈期望為義人預備永恆福祉的同時,痛恨而指斥世上的邪惡,這當然是可接納的事。而本章指出巴比倫人的罪包括: 欺壓人(6)、不追求屬靈(7)、自稱為獨一真正的神(8)、行邪術、信星相(12~13)等,實在是不可饒恕的。

Third, Babylon is a symbol of evil (example, Revelation chapter 18).  It is perfectly acceptable to enthusiastically look forward to preparing eternal blessing for righteous people, and at the same time to abhor and rebuke evil in the world.  And this chapter points out crimes committed by the Babylonians which include: oppression (6), lacking in desire to seek spiritual wisdom (7), regarding themselves as the only true god (8), practicing sorcery, believing in astrology (12-13), etc., which are essentially not forgivable.

傳道書說: 「喜愛有時恨惡有時」(三8)。我們應該恨惡不公義、不公平, 及偏私的行為, 也應該與這些行為對抗。我讀過一本林肯總統青年時代的傳記。林肯第一次在新愛以良(New Orleans), 眼見奴隸臺上開始拍賣活生生的奴隸時, 心內絞痛。他說: 「在我裡面升起了一股恨惡奴隸制度的心情; 我發誓, 如果有一天我可以為此事出點力, 我一定盡力而為。」他全心全人恨惡奴隸制度。

The Book of Ecclesiastes says, “A time to love, and a time to hate” (3:8).  We should hate unrighteous, unfair behaviors, and favoritism; we should also go against these behaviors.  I have read a memoir about President Lincoln in his youth.  When Lincoln witnessed the auction of living and breathing slaves on the auction table for the first time in New Orleans, he felt intense pain in his heart.  He said, ‘A feeling of unconquerable hate of slavery arose in me; if I ever have the opportunity, I would oppose slavery to the utmost of my strength and ability.’  He hated slavery with all his heart.  


Have you ever hated people or things that go against God’s righteousness and hurt others deliberately?

每日讀經 by 洪同勉牧師 Rev. Tommy Hung

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