主耶穌, 你是至高無上的真神。我敬拜你。
Lord Jesus, You are the high and exalted true God. I worship You.
經文: Isaiah 以賽亞書 46:1-13
釋義 : 以賽亞向以色列人強調耶和華是真神。如果說有真神, 那麼必定有假神。以賽亞在本章(特別第五節)告訴我們怎樣比較神的真假:「你們將誰與我相比,與我同等,可以與我比較,使我們相同呢? 」
Insight: Isaiah emphasizes to the Israelites that the Lord is the true God. If there’s a true God, there must also be fake ones. In this chapter (especially v. 5), Isaiah shows us how to tell whether a god is true or fake: “To whom will you liken me and make me equal, and compare me, that we may be alike?”
“Liken/Alike”, “equal”, and “compare” – these three synonyms all have different emphases.
The first word (refer to 40:18 also) is often seen in religious ceremony situation where it means visualize or recollect, or even hope to see the re-enactment of God’s love to His people: “We have thought on your steadfast love, O God, in the midst of your temple.” (Psalm 48:9) This is an essential element in worship (8; refer to 44:21), a matter of one’s relationship with God.
第二個詞語是問:「你們將誰……與我同等?」這個是關於神在人心中地位的問題。 十誡第一誡清楚講明: 除了我(耶和華)以外, 不可有別的神(意思是沒有可以與神同等地位的人、事、物)。所以這個問題的答案當然是否定的(四十五5-6,14)。
The second word pertains to: “To whom will you…..make me equal?” This is a question about God’s place in our heart. The first of the Ten Commandments clearly states: I am the Lord your God, you shall have no other gods before me (meaning no persons, businesses, or things are God’s equal). Thus, without any doubts, the answer to this question is negative (45:5-6, 14).
第三個詞語較為理性,正如第一個詞語一樣,亦可引致正面的答覆。在神學的講話中,正如在崇拜中一樣,我們人的腦袋必需以的語言來想像神,因為我們沒有其他的語言可用。每個形像均可以訴我們一些神的本性,但絕不可讓任何形像成為最終的對象,或讓迷惑我們,以為神必定和只是這個樣子或性情。神同時是上主與被騙的丈夫(何一至三章),父親與母親,還有更多的比喻。這是十誡第二誡: 不可製造或敬拜任何代替神的形像、事物。
The third word is more rational. But like the first word, it can be positive. In regards to theological conversations, like in worship, we can only visualize God in our mind with human language because we don’t have any other languages that we can use. Each image can tell us some characteristics of God. However, we should not let any image be the ultimate object, or let it lead us astray, mistaken that God has the exact looks or temperament. God is the Lord, but at the same time, has been portrayed as a husband who’s been deceived (Hosea chapter 1 – 3), a father, a mother, and many more characters in metaphors. This is the second of the Ten Commandments: You shall not make or worship any images or things that stand in as God.
The prophet compares the idols that are commonly known among the Israelites with the Lord:
Bel, the Babylonian name of Baal among Canaanites, of whom the name can be seen in the name of the last Babylonian king Belshazzar (Daniel chapter 5). It means ‘master’, the title of the chief god of Babylon.
Nebo is Marduk’s son, the god of the art of writing. His name often appears in the name of others such as Nebuchadnezzar and Nebuzaradan (2 Kings 25:8).
偶像和耶和華最大和最明顯的比對, 就是能不能救人:
The biggest and the most obvious difference between idols and the Lord hinges on whether they can save people:
偶像不能救人(7)因為: 不能自保(2); 成為重擔(1); 任人擺佈(7); 不能回應(7)。
Idols cannot save people (7) because they: cannot save themselves (2); become a burden (1); are at the mercy of others (7); cannot respond (7).
耶和華施行救恩(13), 因為祂必成就(10~11節四次)所籌算(二次)的事。
The Lord delivers us (13), because He will accomplish (4 times in v 10 – 11) what He has purposed (2 times).
你使用讀經釋義輔助你作靈修, 相信你是基督徒, 公開敬拜偶像也許是絕對不會做的事, 但可曾想過面對神今日向你發出的問題: 「你們將誰與我相比,與我同等,可以與我比較,使我們相同呢? 」你的答案是____________________________________________________
Since you read devotional Bible study to help gain insight during your quiet time with God, I believe that you are a Christian. So, to publicly worship idols is probably something you absolutely will not do. But, have you given any thoughts to the question that God is asking you today, ‘To whom will you liken me and make me equal, and compare me, that we may be alike?’ Your answer is _______________________________________.
每日讀經 by 洪同勉牧師 Rev. Tommy Hung
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