亞利伊勒 ARIEL
讀經 : 以賽亞書 廿九1~24
SCRIPTURE READING: Isaiah 29:1 - 24
釋義 : 「亞利伊勒」是本章獨有名詞, 意思是「祭壇供臺」。第二節說它是「大衛安營的城」而八節指這是預言錫安的遭遇, 所以亞利伊勒是耶路撒冷的一個代號。這城被稱為設立神真實祭壇之處。但是它卻冷淡疏忽,年上加年,讓節期照常周流。因此耶和華要審判這城,好使它成為真正的亞利伊勒,也就是神真正的祭壇。
INSIGHT: “Ariel” is a unique noun in this chapter, meaning “altar hearth”. It is said to be “the city where David encamped” in verse 2 and the prophecy of the fate of Zion in verse 8; therefore, Ariel is a synonym for Jerusalem. This city is called the place of the true altar of God; yet she is indifferent, adding year to year by the rotation of her feasts. Because of that, the Lord will move in judgment, in order that she will indeed become Ariel, the true altar of God.
亞利伊勒的豫言分為兩個部分:第一部分豫告耶路撒冷災難性的被圍攻(1-4);第二部分描繪耶路撒冷命運的突然扭轉,圍城軍隊的戰敗(5-8)。這可能是預言主前七○一年被亞述圍困,然而在神降災之下,敵人一夜之間死傷無數,潰不成軍(見卅七36)。不過經文提及眾多的敵人(5,7), 所以這個預言或指向末日的世界性正邪大戰。
There are two parts in the prophecy of Ariel: The first part prophesies the catastrophic siege of Jerusalem (1-4), and the second part describes the sudden twist of Jerusalem’s fate with the failure of the besieging army. This may be referring to the siege by Assyria in 701 BC where almost the entire Assyrian camp died overnight under the disaster that God sent (see 37:36). However, “a multitude of foes” (5,7) so this prophecy probably indicates the final battle between good and evil at the end time.
以賽亞指出, 以色列人當時最大的問題就是: 盲目。
Isaiah points out that Israel’s biggest problem at the time is: Blindness.
- 執迷不悟(9) 「宴樂昏迷吧」近代的中、英文譯本都翻譯為: 「自我蒙蔽, 繼續盲目吧」, 說明以色列人不願悔改。
Being Stubborn (9) – Translated text such as “feast and be drunk” in the Chinese Union Version or “blind yourself and be blind” in more recent Chinese and English versions both illustrate the Israelites’ refusal to repent.
- 眼不能看(10-11) 神對頑梗的人宣告放棄, 任憑、甚至驅使他們繼續剛愎自大, 以致他們眼瞎。(參六9-10出九12詩八一12羅九18)。
Unable to See (10-11) - God proclaims abandonment of those who are stubborn. He even drives them to continue with their arrogant way, resulting in their blindness (refer to 6:9-10, Exodus 9:12, Psalm 81:12, Romans 9:18)
- 心眼關閉(13-14) 對神只有表面的敬畏, 絕不會對生命產生影響。耶穌就引用這句聖經, 顯示法利賽人的假冒為善(太十五8-9)。
Lacking Discernment (13-14) – They show reverence for God on the outside only; deep within their hearts they are far from God. It is this scripture that Jesus used to bring to light the Pharisees’ hypocrisy also (Matthew 15:8-9).
- 眼光顛倒(15-16) 他們將自己和神的地位對調, 否定神是創造者, 接著的推論就是: 神不能察看他們的作為。
Being Preposterous (15-16) – They swapped position with God, denying God being their Creator, and concluded accordingly: God cannot examine their acts.
神的恩典非常奇妙。即使以色列人如此盲目, 神仍說, 這不過是「只有一點點時候……聾子必聽見這書上的話;瞎子的眼必從迷矇黑暗中得以看見。」(17-18)眼瞎得痊癒, 不是得著眼藥的治療; 先知也沒有提到他們悔改。關鍵在於神的「救贖」(22), 這是信仰的基礎, 也是我們的盼望。
God’s grace is amazing. Even though the Israelites were very blind, God said that it would just be “a very little while until…..the deaf shall hear the words of a book, and out of their gloom and darkness the eyes of the blind shall see” (17-18). From blindness to sight, it’s not by the power of any eye medicine; the prophet never mentions their repentance either. Here the key is the “redemption” (22) from God, the foundation of our faith; it is also our hope.
Amazing Grace
奇異恩典, 何等甘甜, 我罪已得赦免;
前我失喪, 今被尋回, 瞎眼今得看見。
Amazing grace
How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost
But now I’m found
Was blind, but now I see
每日讀經 by 洪同勉牧師 Rev. Tommy Hung