Wednesday, June 9, 2021

出來 GO OUT ( 以賽亞書 Isaiah 52:1-12) — 每日讀經 by 洪同勉牧師 Rev. Tommy Hung


求主指教我曉得分辨潔淨和污穢, 使我可以選擇

May the Lord give me guidance in discerning between clean and filth so that I can make a choice.  



經文:  以賽亞書 Isaiah  52:1-12

釋義:    本章結構比較鬆散。最後一段(13~15), 是第四苜僕人之歌的開始(以五三12為結束)。第一節的句法:「興起、興起」(五一9,17), 披上、穿上能力衣服(五一9)與上一章相同, 但內容卻不相同。接著的三段(1~6,7~10,11~12), 缺乏邏輯性的關係, 有各自的主題。唯一可以連繫的, 就是用不同的神學觀念, 預言將來從被擄歸回。

Insight: The structure of this chapter is fairly loose.  The last segment (13 – 15) is the beginning of the fourth Servant Song (which ends at 53:12).   The sentence structure of the first verse - “Awake, awake” (51:9, 17), “put on strength (51:9)” – is similar to that of the previous chapter; however, the content is different.  In the three segments (1-6, 7-10, 11-12) that follow, there is a lack of logical relationship; each segment has its own theme.  The only thing that tie them together is that they both prophesied  the return from captivity using different theological concepts.   

●  無價被擄、被贖(1~6)  以色列民是屬神的,他們被擄到異邦(本段三次提到被擄)並非因為被神出賣(四五13五十1),神毋須用贖金贖回他們。埃及、亞述、巴比倫先後無理苦待以色列,終必受制裁,神要為祂的名救贖以色列民,顯出祂的能力。

Taken away and Redeemed for nothing (1 – 6) — The people of Israel belong to God.  They were taken away to foreign nations (mentioned being taken away 3 times in this passage) not because God betrayed them (45:13, 50:1).  God didn’t need to redeem them with ransom money.  Egypt, Assyria, Babylon had tormented  them for nothing at different time periods, and they will be punished in the end.  For the sake of His name, God will save Israel to show His power.

話雖如此, 神並非毫無條件、單方面的贖回以色列。他們必須「興起, 披上能力、穿上華美衣服」, 寓意要下定決心, 奮發圖強, 積極向善; 還有, 「要解開頸項的鎖鍊」, 意思是掙脫綑綁他們的罪。

Nevertheless, God will not redeem Israel unconditionally and unilaterally.  They must ‘be awake, put on their strength, and put on their beautiful garments’ - symbolizing the determination to work diligently to be strong and to fear God - and to ‘loose the bonds from their neck’, meaning to break free from the chains of their sins.    

●  報救恩佳音(7~10) — 報告被擄將歸回的信息, 當然是佳音, 也難怪這人的腳步佳美。但是保羅引用這節聖經, 說明真正的救恩佳音是從以賽亞那時的吩咐人「聽」佳音(8), 成為「親眼看見」(8~10)。並且不單以色列人看見主(耶穌)的救贖, 地極萬國都看見救恩。而傳這個佳音、好信的使命, 由先知輾轉交給信徒去完成(羅十15~18)。

Publishing the good news of salvation (7 – 10) —  For the person who brings such good news as the upcoming return from captivity, no wonder his feet are beautiful.  However, when Paul quoted this verse, he made it clear that the true good news of salvation comes from Isaiah asking people to ‘listen’ to the good news (8) and it turns into “for eye to eye they see” (8 – 10).  Also, not only will the Israelites see the salvation of the Lord (Jesus), so will all the nations and all the ends of the earth.  And the mission to spread this good news is passed from prophets to believers for us to complete (Romans 10:15 – 18).

●  離開不潔(11~12)  — 離開巴比倫除了是政治和經濟的轉型外, 更是屬靈生命的更新。神並沒有吩咐他們拖金帶銀地回到巴勒斯坦重建家園(雖然這是必然的事), 卻叫他們「不要沾不潔淨的物……務要聖潔」, 從其中「出來」(本段提到三次)。

Leaving unclean things (11 – 12)  — Apart from being a political and economic transformation, getting out of Babylon is a spiritual revival also.  God is not asking them to return to Palestine to rebuild with gold and silver in tow (although this is inevitable), but to “touch no unclean things…..purify yourselves” and “go out from there” (mentioned 3 times in this message).  

我們留存的東西, 往往有一半是不明不白的。松鼠藏起堅果過冬,還說得過去; 狗藏骨頭或許也有道理; 但人積存東西, 大半是出於劣根性──例如吝嗇、錙銖必較、對前途的顧慮、對物質支撐的依賴、以及頑固守舊不敢革新等弱點。有些也許是由於懶惰; 要做到不把東西積存, 非敢作敢為不可。

With the things we keep, about half of them we do so for no good reason.  It is understandable that squirrels bury nuts to prepare for winter; it may also makes sense for dogs to hide bones; but people hoard things mostly due to bad habits – such as being stingy, calculating, apprehensive about future prospect, dependent on material things, and weaknesses such as stubbornness and fearful of adapting to change; perhaps part of it is due to laziness.  In order to steer clear of hoarding, one has to be audacious. 

你要出來! 從事奉怠慢、靈修消極的不潔淨心靈出來。

You have to go out!  Go out from the unclean heart of apathetic serving and negative attitude towards devotion.  

每日讀經 by 洪同勉牧師 Rev. Tommy Hung

(English Translation:  Ms. Lori Wong)

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

耶和華的忿怒 THE WRATH OF THE LORD (以賽亞書 Isaiah 51:1-23) -- 每日讀經 by 洪同勉牧師 Rev. Tommy Hung


Lord!  Let me comprehend the power of your anger and your wrath, according to the fear that is your due. 



經文:  以賽亞書 Isaiah  51:1-23

釋義:  本章可以分為三段。每段都提及「安慰」的主旨(3,12,19), 但以第二段(12~16)為核心。這段與前後的經文在格式和用字上, 有很大的分別。這段的主詞(subject)是「我」, 其他經文卻是「你們/你」。第一段(1~11)和最後一段(17~23)都要求以色列人「要聽」神的話(1,4,7,21), 並且以「興起! 興起!」勸勉人奮勇面對逆境。

Insight:  This chapter can be divided into 3 sections.  All 3 sections share the same central idea of ‘comfort’ (3, 12, 19), with the second section as the core.  The format and diction of this section are very different from those of the preceding and succeeding passage; the subject is ‘I’ whereas it is ‘you (plural)/you (singular)’ elsewhere in the chapter.  In both the first and last section, there is a plea for the Israelites to “listen” to God’s word (1, 4, 7, 21), along with uplifting words of encouragement “Wake yourself! Wake yourself!” to exhort the people to face adversity courageously.  

  • 不要怕, 因耶和華是神  (12~16) —  以賽亞用他在本書重複強調的創造主題, 指證惟有耶和華是神(12)。但是耶和華不單只是權能的神,更重要的是祂保持與人的特別關係: 「我是耶和華你的耶和華……你是我的百姓」(15~16)。因著這種關係, 耶和華提醒子民: 「惟有我,是安慰你們的。你是誰,竟怕那必死的人?怕那要變如草的世人?卻忘記鋪張諸天、立定地基、創造你的耶和華?……整天害怕?」這重複以賽亞上章所提出的信念: 主耶和華必要幫助我;我不抱愧, 誰能定我有罪呢(五十7,9)。

  • Fear not, for the Lord is God (12 – 16) —  Isaiah testifies that only the Lord is God (12) through the theme of creation that is emphasized repeatedly in this book.  But the Lord is not only a God of power, more important than that is the special relationship He maintains with us: “I am the Lord your God…..You are My people“ (15 – 16).  Based on this type of relationship, the Lord reminds His people: “I, I am he who comforts you; who are you that you are afraid of man who dies, of the son of man who is made like grass, and have forgotten the Lord, your Maker, who stretched out the heavens and laid the foundations of the earth? fear continually all the day?”  This is a repeat of the conviction that Isaiah declared in the previous chapter: “The Lord God helps me; therefore I have not been disgraced…..who will declare me guilty? “ (50:7, 9)

  • 公義、救恩、歡樂  (1~11) —  這三個詞語在第一段頻密出現。先知引用歷史證明這些神學觀念的關係和實在:   創造伊甸園(3);   選召亞伯拉罕(2);   以砍碎拉哈伯、刺透大魚比喻出埃及過紅海殺敗埃及法老(9~10);   大衛建都錫安山的耶路撒冷(11)。  以史為鑑, 過去神公義地施行救恩、創造歡樂; 祂將來同樣可以為目前困苦的子民再創美境。

  • Righteousness, Salvation, Gladness (1 – 11)  —  These 3 words appear frequently in the first section.  The prophet quoted history to prove the connection and the concreteness of these theological concepts:  Creating the Garden of Eden (3);  Choosing Abraham (2);  Symbolizing the exodus from Egypt, crossing the Red Sea, and defeating the Egyptian king pharaoh (9 – 10) with cutting Rahab in pieces and piercing the dragon;  Jerusalem where King David made Mount Zion the capital (11).   Taking history as a mirror, just as God delivered salvation righteously and created joy in the past, He will create beautiful sceneries once again in the future for His people currently in distress. 

  • 忿怒不再  (17~23)  — 第一段以過去事蹟作保證, 最後一段先知卻以神的應許為盼望。將來神給人的安慰, 就是不再有忿怒(17,20,22)。現在以色列人面對的國難,但這些日子不會很久, 因為「主耶和華─就是為他百姓辨屈的 神如此說:看哪,我已將那使人東倒西歪的杯,就是我忿怒的爵,從你手中接過來;你必不致再喝。我必將這杯遞在苦待你的人手中」(17,22)。

  • Angry no more (17 – 23)  — The prophet uses past events as guarantee in the first section, and God’s promise as the basis of hopes for the future in the last section.  The comfort that God will be offering us is that there will be no more wrath (17, 20, 22).  The national crisis that the Israelites are facing now will not last very long, for “the Lord, your God who pleads the cause of his people: “Behold, I have taken from your hand the cup of staggering; the bowl of my wrath you shall drink no more; and I will put it into the hand of your tormentors“ (17 -22).

有人認為舊約強調神的公義, 所以時常發怒。這似乎與以賽亞書本章神施救恩和短暫發怒的教訓不相同。新約中文譯為「忿怒」的兩個希臘原文, 可以解釋神這個又發烈怒, 又不發怒的表面矛盾現象。

Some say the Old Testament emphasizes God’s righteousness and therefore God got angry often.  It doesn’t seem to agree with the teaching in this chapter of the Book of Isaiah about God delivering salvation and His short-lived wrath.  The two Greek words in the original text that are translated to ‘wrath’ in the Chinese New Testament can explain the apparent contradictory phenomena where God is furious and yet He is not.    

希臘文thumos有「煮沸」的意思。指出怒氣沸騰得快, 也消失得快。忿怒好像火燒禾稈, 啪啪有聲, 火光熊熊, 但迅即燒完。忿怒只是脾氣突起, 無法控制, 迸出火花, 瞬息即逝。這是耶和華對子民恆久悖逆, 已忍無可忍所發出的激動情緒, 由愛而生的嫉恨。

The Greek word ‘thumos’ carries the meaning of ‘bring to a boil’, indicating that the anger boils over quickly, but also dissipates quickly.  Wrath is like the burning of straws that burns intensely with crackling noise and illuminating flames, but soon it burns out.  Wrath is just a temper burst out of control that ignites sparks, and it is gone in an instant; this is the strong emotion, jealousy stemmed from love, that is let out when the Lord can no longer put up with the continuous rebellion of His people.

另一個希臘文orge指的不同, 是一種持續不息的怒氣、讓恨得到滋長的心境, 長熱不消, 不能忘記、也不肯寬恕人家的錯失, 什至終生記恨。這是神對不肯接受赦罪救恩的人, 被逼按公義性情施行的審判。

The other Greek word ‘orge’ refers to something different – a forever lasting anger that allows the feelings of hate to harbor; it does not cool down, and one cannot forget or forgive the other party’s faults, going as far as holding a grudge for life.   This is God’s judgment, forced to be rendered by His nature of righteousness, to those who refuse to accept the saving grace that blots out their sin.


“The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.  He will not always chide, nor will he keep his anger forever…..For his anger is but for a moment, and his favor is for a lifetime.  Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning.” (Psalm 103:8-9, 30:5) 

每日讀經 by 洪同勉牧師 Rev. Tommy Hung

(English Translation:  Ms. Lori Wong)