求主使我在眾多敵擋你的凡言俗語中, 靜默聆聽你的言語.
Dear Lord, amidst the many worldly talks against You, please allow me to listen to your Words quietly.
讀經 : 以賽亞書 卅六1~22
SCRIPTURE READING: Isaiah 36: 1 - 22
釋義 : 本章開始至卅九章是歷史的插曲。這幾章大部份與王下十八至廿章平行, 有些更是逐字相同。卅六至卅七章講論有關亞述傾覆之預言的應驗, 而卅八至卅九章則為本書下半部(四十至六六章)提供與巴比倫有關的背景。
INSIGHT: From this chapter to chapter 39 is an interlude of history. They mostly parallel 2 Kings chapters 18 to 20, some even in the exact same words; chapter 36 to 37 speak on the fulfillment of the prophecies regarding the fall of Assyria; and chapter 38 to 39 provide background information on Babylon for the second half of the book (chapter 40 to 66).
希西家是猶大國的一位敬畏耶和華的好王。在位期間徹底清除他父親亞哈斯所建的異教邱壇, 竭力推動宗教復興, 鼓勵國民敬拜耶和華。他這種信仰熱誠, 連仇敵亞述王西拿基立也認識和加以評論(14-15)。
Hezekiah was a good king from Judah who feared the Lord. During his reign, he thoroughly destroyed the high places of idolatrous worship that his father Ahaz set up; and he put in his best effort to bring about religious revival, encouraging the people to worship the Lord. Such enthusiasm was acknowledged and commented on even by his enemy Assyrian king Sennacherib (14-15).
本章記載希西家在位第十四年, 亞述王西拿基立進襲猶大國, 圍攻耶路撒冷的事。希西家在主前729年開始, 與父亞哈斯共同執政十四年(王下十八1), 715年至686年間單獨執政。所以希西家在位十四年,即主前701年西拿基立兵臨城下。
This chapter records Assyria king Sennacherib’s invasion of Judah and the siege of Jerusalem during the 14th year of Hezekiah’s reign. From 729 BC, Hezekiah served as co-regent with his father Ahaz for about 14 years (2 Kings 18:1), and his sole reign dated 715 to 686 BC. Therefore, on the 14th year of Hezekiah’s reign, that is, 701 BC was when Sennacherib came to attack.
亞述王差遣拉伯沙基率領大軍來到耶路撒冷。他向猶大的官員以利亞敬、舍伯那約亞等挑戰, 責備猶大投靠埃及的愚蠢。他甚至狂言:「我上來攻擊毀滅這地,豈沒有耶和華的意思嗎?耶和華吩咐我說,你上去攻擊毀滅這地吧」(10)。這是狂妄的話, 也可以說是妄稱耶和華的名, 但是亞述確是耶和華怒氣的杖。(十5)
The king of Assyria sent Rabshakeh to Jerusalem with a great army. He dared Judah officials: Eliakim, Shebna, and Joah, and reproached their stupidity for seeking help from Egypt. He even boasted, “Is it without the Lord that I have come up against this land to destroy it? The Lord said to me, ‘Go up against this land and destroy it.’” (10) This is haughty talk, and also considered misuse of the name of the Lord. But Assyria is indeed the rod of the Lord’s anger. (10:5)
當時猶大官長要求拉伯沙基用亞蘭語(亞蘭文是當時通用的外交語言, 就像現在的英文一樣), 不要用猶大話。但是拉伯沙基並不聽他們的要求, 可見他是多麼驕妄, 欺勢凌人。
At that time Judah’s officials requested Rabshakeh to speak in Aramaic (Aramaic was the universal language used in international communications during that period of time , as English is used today) instead of the language of Judah. But Rabshakeh ignored their request, and that showed how arrogant and domineering he was.
百姓保持鎮靜, 因為希西家曾吩咐不要回答他。要應付這樣的危局, 不是用言語, 而是用行動。言語的辯駁不能勝過驕傲和強權, 唯有倚靠和等候神才是方法。
The people remained calm because Hezekiah ordered them not to answer him. To handle a crisis like this, actions are needed, not words. Refuting with words cannot defeat arrogance and dominance. Trusting and waiting for God is the only way.
西方諺語有云:「在兩種情況下, 我們特別應該閉口不言: 一是毫無所知, 一是在盛怒之下」。
A western saying goes, “We should not say anything especially under these two situations: one is when you know nothing about the matter, and another is when you are in a blaze of anger.”
拉伯沙基在怒氣中口吐狂言, 終招惹神的責罰。反觀以色列人,在不知如何應對時, 緘默不言, 等候神, 至終獲得拯救。
Rabshakeh spouted off in rage and ultimately provoked God’s punishment. On the contrary, the Israelites, not knowing what to do, remained silent and waited for God, and were delivered in the end.
大衛說: 「我的心默默無聲,專等候神;我的救恩是從他而來……我的心哪,你當默默無聲,專等候神,因為我的盼望是從他而來。」(詩六二1,5)
David said, “For God alone my soul waits in silence; from him comes my salvation…..For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from him.” (Psalm 62:1,5)
“A time to keep silence, and a time to speak“ (Ecclesiastes 3:7). May the Lord advise me what to say and what not to say today.
每日讀經 by 洪同勉牧師 Rev. Tommy Hung
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