Friday, February 28, 2020

(Joel 約珥書 2:18-32) 耶和華應允 THE LORD ANSWERS

耶和華應允  THE LORD ANSWERS (Joel 約珥書  2:18-32)

祈禱:  求主澆灌聖靈, 讓我能講福音方言, 使人明白神救恩的奇妙。

PRAYER:  Pray that the Lord will pour out His Holy Spirit, so that I may be able to share the Gospel in many languages in order for people to understand God’s salvation which is so amazing.


讀經:  珥二章18~32

釋義:  當人歸向神、向神祈求, 神就應允(19)

INSIGHT: When people turn to God and pray to Him, God answers. (v.19)

神應允的原因 --  不是人夠誠懇、或找到祈禱秘訣;先知說, 祈禱蒙應允只有一個原因: 耶和華就為自己的地發熱心,憐恤他的百姓」(18)

The reason God answers – is not because people are sincere or because they have found the secret of prayer but only because: “The Lord will be zealous for His land, and pity His people.” (v. 18)

神應允修復 -- 神應允禱告的內容列在19~20節,以及24~27節中。重點是「我要補還你們」(25): 五穀、新酒和油在蝗災中已經被毀壞了(一10),因此,這裏的五穀、新酒和油必定是重新賜給的(二19)。他們禱告祈求不要使他們在列邦中受羞辱(17),同樣,這裏應許不再使他們受列國的羞辱(19)。在蝗災期間損失的收成(一10~17),將來要用豐收補還,就是獲得更豐富的五穀、新酒和油(24~25)。那些從前缺乏糧食的人(一16),將要「多喫而得飽足」(26)。

God answers and restores – The details of how God answered is described in v. 19-20, and v.24 to the middle of v. 27.  The main point is: “I will restore to you” (v 25): the grain, the new wine and the oil that the plague of locusts had destroyed (1:10); therefore, the grain, the new wine and the oil will definitely be restored (2:19). They prayed not to be put to shame among the nations (v. 17).  Similarly, here, the promise is to no longer make them a reproach among the nations. (v. 19).  The harvest was ruined because of the plague of locusts (1:10-17), in the future God will restore them with a plentiful harvest, which will be abundance of wheat, new wine and oil (v. 24-25). Those who in the past had shortage of food (1:16), in the future they shall eat in plenty and be satisfied (v. 26).

ƒ神應允有喜樂 -- 補還是消極的行動, 積極方面就是令人因飽足、平安而快樂(21~23)地土方面,它從前曾被蝗蟲蹂躝(一10),現在要轉變懼怕為歡喜快樂,因為神已經採取行動,使它恢復原來的豐富。田野的走獸曾經驚慌和混亂(一18),現在也不要懼怕,因為牧場將要再

God answers and brings joy – Restoration is a negative action, the positive aspect of it is that because they are satisfied, they have peace and joy (v. 21-23).  Regarding the land, in the past it was ravaged by the locusts (1:10), now things have changed from fear to gladness and rejoicing, because God had taken action and made it return to its original bountifulness.  In the past the beast of the fields were scared and confused (1:18), now they had nothing to fear because the open pastures are springing up.  The people of Zion (those who repented from the assembly) will also rejoice and be glad, the rain that gives life has come down so that the food can grow.  Whether animals or plants, they all rejoiced and were blessed.

神應允同在 --  應允祂的百姓的禱告,最重要的不在於這裏所列出將來的祝福,而在於它們所含的意義。神垂聽禱告,因為神與他們立約所帶來的幸福生活已恢復,人將要知道神在以色列中間。(27) 而神同在的證據就是神「的靈澆灌凡有血氣的。」(28~29) 從新約的角度來讀約珥的這一部分預言,我們能讀出一個嶄新的意思,遠超過先知的時代所能理解。新約聖經中多次引用這些話(可十三24羅十13);但是最集中的解釋這些話,要舉彼得在五旬節的講道(徒五17-21)。彼得把約珥的預言作為主要內容,並把它與耶穌、以及五旬節聖靈降臨聯繫起來(徒二1-4)。 預言所指的聖靈,使信徒能講各國的方言、.  福音能打破語言的限制,使各國人民了解並接受。

God answers with His presence – God answered the prayers of His people. The most important thing is not the future blessings mentioned here, but their meaning.  God hears prayers because the covenant between God and them which brought them joy had been restored, people will know that God is in the midst of Israel.  (v. 27)   And the evidence of the presence of God is this, “I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh.”   (v. 28-29)
By looking at the New Testament, we can see the prophecy of Joel from a brand  new perspective.  These same words are quoted many times in the New Testament (Mark 13:24; Romans 10:13); Peter focuses on these words when he preached during Pentecost (Acts 5:17-21).  Peter uses Joel's prophecy as the main content and associates it with Jesus and the coming of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4).  The Holy Spirit referred to in the prophecy enables believers to speak the language of different nations.  The Gospel can break language barriers, so that people from all nations may understand it and accept it.

by 洪同勉牧師 Rev. Tommy Hung

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