讀經 : 《以賽亞書》十一章1-16節
釋義 : 這是以賽亞提到幾個孩子的最後一個。按猶太人修辭的語法, 常以種籽、根、本、枝、苗裔等形容父子、祖先和後代的關係。所以猶太人明白從耶西的本必發一條;從他根生的枝子(1)是指耶西家,特別是指從大衛族系而出的兒子。但這個孩子與以賽亞提到的其他孩子不同,
因為他不像以馬內利、施亞雅述等是以賽亞時代出生而帶預表的人物, 從四2五三2和新約羅十五12啟五5廿二16等經文明確地指出, 這個孩子必定是神將來興起的彌賽亞,
INSIGHT: This is the last of the children that Isaiah
speaks about. Jews often use seed, root, stump, shoot, etc. to describe
father/son, and ancestor/descendant relationships. So, Jews understand “A shoot will come up from
the stump of Jesse” (1) is referring to a son from Jesse’s, especially David’s
family line. But this child is different from the other children Isaiah talks
about. He is not like Immanuel or Shear-Jashub who are prophetic characters
born in Isaiah’s time. Scriptures like 4:2, 53:2 and New Testament, Romans
15:12, Revelations 5:5, 22:16, clearly state that this child is the Messiah
that God will raise up; and this passage talks about the features of the Messiah’s
●聖靈的臨在 -- 神僕人的能力是受聖靈驅策和賜能力, 但是彌賽亞卻是耶和華的靈必住在他身上(2),耶穌受洗從水裡上來, 聖靈像鴿子降臨, 印證了他的彌賽亞身份(太三16)。2節提到聖靈的七重工作,其中謀略和能力也是九6神賜人的嬰孩名字(那裡翻譯為奇妙策士和全能的神),而敬畏耶和華重複出現(2,3), 說明彌賽亞的工作,也是聖靈充滿的目的是使人可以和懂得敬畏耶和華, 與神建立和好關係。
DESCEND AND PRESENCE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT -- God’s servants get their strength through the
work of the Holy Spirit. Yet on Messiah, the Spirit of the Lord will rest (2).
“As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment
heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending
like a dove and alighting on him.” (Matthew 3:16) confirms his identity of
Messiah. Verse 2 talks about the 7 functions of the Holy Spirit, one of which,
counsel and might, is also the name of the child that God gives to men mentioned in 9:6
(translated to Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God there); and ‘Fear of the Lord’ appears repeatedly (2,
3); it indicates that the work of Messiah and the purpose of being filled with
the Holy Spirit is to make it possible for and allow men to have the
understanding to fear the Lord and be reconciled to God.
●公義的審判 -- 3-5節中,審判和公義都出現兩次, 指出彌賽亞統治的方式, 使當時腐敗政治、道德淪亡的情況得到脫胎換骨徹底的更新。4節的杖字在十章重複出現 (5,24,26),
神當時使用執行管教的工具亞述, 不久也因不公義要受神杖責, 唯有彌賽亞才真正以公義審判, (啟十九11,15)。
RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT – In verse 3–5 ‘judge’ and ‘righteousness’ both
appear 2 times, revealing Messiah’s ruling style; it is a complete changeover
from the corrupt regime and moral decline at the time. “Rod” in verse 4 appears
repeatedly in Chapter 10, verse 5, 24, 26; at that time God uses Assyria as
instrument for discipline; she in turn is punished by God due to her
wickedness. Only Messiah truly judges with righteousness (Revelations 19:11,
●和平社會 -- 6-9節 描述和平昇平的景象, 就是六五20-25預言將來的新天新地, 也就是啟示錄所說的,
PEACEFUL SOCIETY -- Verse 6-9 describes a peaceful scene. It is
the new heavens and a new earth prophesied in 65:20-25 and the kingdom that
Christ will establish as stated in Revelations.
●選民回歸 -- 11-16節 預言神從世界各地必二次伸手救回自己百姓,現在以色列人已在巴勒斯坦立國,印證神話語的真確。
THE RETURN OF GOD’S CHOSEN PEOPLE -- Verse 11-16 prophesies that God will rescue
his people for the second time from all over the world. Now the Israelites have
established their government in Palestine, confirming the truthfulness of God’s
●萬民尋求 --
教會設立, 福音廣傳, 顯示以賽亞的預言正逐步應驗,
信徒應對神有更大信心, 也要好好準備神國度的來臨。
ALL NATIONS SEEKING GOD -- Churches being established and the spreading
of the Gospel far indicate Isaiah’s prophecy being fulfilled gradually.
Believers should deepen their faith in God and prepare well for the arrival of
God’s kingdom.
每日讀經 by 洪同勉牧師 Rev. Tommy Hung
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