讀經 : 《以賽亞書》十章20-34節
釋義: 由七章開始至十一章, 提到好幾個孩子, 他們具預表性的名字構成這幾章的主題: 七14的以馬內利的名字在八8,10重複出現,
保證神與人同在; 以賽亞的兒子瑪黑珥沙拉勒哈施罷斯(八3) 為上段預言神使用亞述作施行擄掠搶奪的玩弄文字(word
INSIGHT: Chapter 7 – 11 has reference to several
children. Their prophetic names constitute the theme of these chapters: The
name of Immanuel in 7:14 appears again in 8:8 and 10, reassuring that God is
with men; Isaiah’s son Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz (8:3) is the wordplay in the
previous passage that prophesies God using Assyria to loot and plunder; in this
passage the prophet expands on the name of Isaiah’s other son and the name of
the child that God will give to men prophesied in 9:6:
施亞雅述(七3)──以賽亞兒子的名字其實是兩個希伯來字的音譯, 現代中文譯本小字解釋希伯來文的意思是少數的人將要還鄉,呂振中譯本乾脆意譯為餘民必回,就是21-22節兩次提到雅各家和以色列剩下的歸回的預表。
Shear-Jashub (7:3) – The name of Isaiah’s son is the English
transliteration of two Hebrew words. The footnote in Today’s Chinese Version
gives the definition of the Hebrew - a remnant will return. The Lu Zhen Zhong
version simply translates it to its meaning - a remnant will definitely return.
The name signifies the return of the remnant of Jacob and Israel that is
mentioned twice in verse 21-22.
全能的神(21)──耶和華藉著以賽亞預言: 因有一嬰孩為我們而生;有一子賜給我們。政權必擔在他的肩頭上;他名稱為「奇妙策士、全能的神、永在的父、和平的君」(九6)。 這嬰孩特別的名字清楚說明他的神性, 也正是以色列將來悔改歸向的獨一而全能的神。
The Mighty God (21) -- The Lord prophesied through Isaiah: “For to us a
child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his
shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting
Father, Prince of Peace.” (9:6) This special name of the child’s clearly
reveals his divine attributes, and he is indeed the one and only one Almighty God
that the Israelites will return to.
這兩個孩子的名字帶出本段的信息: 雖然以色列人會遭受亞述的擄掠, 但所剩下的,必歸回全能的神(21)。
The names of these two children bring out the
message in this passage: Although the Israelites
will be plundered by Assyria; the remnant will return to the Mighty God (21).
-- 28-32節提到十二個地方, 雖然有些地名不能確定, 但那些知道的城鄉都是在耶路撒冷的北方, 密抹有七哩半之遙, 基比亞是四哩, 亞拿突只有三哩,而挪伯已到錫安山腳, 可見亞述的攻擊近在眉睫, 是無可避免的事實。
Assyria’s attack out of anger is real and certain
– verse 28-32 makes mention of twelve places. Some of their names cannot be
confirmed. But those known towns are all north of Jerusalem - Micmash, 7.5 km
away; Gibeah, 4 km; Anathoth, only 3 km; and Nob, right in the foothills of
Zion. Assyria’s attack is imminent and inescapable.
-- 還有一點點時候,向你們發的忿恨就要完畢(25),亞述王的重擔必離開你的肩頭;他的軛必離開你的頸項(27)。神使用亞述攻擊以色列人目的不是要趕盡殺絕,
只是作嚴懲小誡, 所以適可而止, 讓人有轉寰餘地, 可以悔改。
God using Assyria to attack Israel out of anger
is only temporary – “Very soon my anger against you will end” (25). “Their
burden will be lifted from your shoulders, their yoke from your neck” (27).
God’s purpose of using Assyria to attack the Israelites is not to destroy them
completely, but to punish them just enough to allow them to repent and turn
默想: 神許多時候勞師動眾, 甚至忍心的執行管教, 目的是要人誠實倚靠耶和華─以色列的聖者, 這份苦口婆心的心意我可感受到?
MEDITATE: A lot of times God goes to great lengths to
discipline us, and does so even hard-heartedly. He intends for us to honestly
trust in the Lord, the Holy One of Israel. Can I feel and understand his tough love?
每日讀經 by 洪同勉牧師 Rev. Tommy Hung
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