讀經 : 以賽亞書 卅二1~20
SCRIPTURE READING: Isaiah 32:1 - 20
釋義: 這是一篇預言彌賽亞君王的詩歌。「看哪,必有一王憑公義行政;必有首領藉公平掌權。」(1)清楚說明這王是將來才出現, 不是以賽亞時的希西家王。保羅講論耶穌再來說: 「基督必要作王, 等神把一切仇敵, 都放在他的腳下。」(林前十五25)而「避風所……隱密處……影子」類似的字詞在書中其他地方用在耶和華身上(四5-6廿五
INSIGHT: This is a prophetic song about King Messiah. “Behold, a king will reign in righteousness, and princes will rule in justice.” ( 1) clearly indicates that this is a king who is coming in the future, and not king Hezekiah during Isaiah’s time. Paul speaks of Jesus’ return - “For He must reign until He has put all his enemies under his feet” (I Corinthians 15:25). Wording such as “shelter from the storm….. refuge….. shade” (4:5-6, 25:4) is used throughout the book of Isaiah in reference to the Lord.
這個彌賽亞政權的特色就是實現公義和公平。本章開始 (1) 和結束 (16-17)首尾呼應地重複公義和公平這兩個神學觀念。而本章經文發表彌賽亞君王的公義和公平幾個特性:
The characteristic of this kingdom of the Messiah is the materialization of righteousness and justice. The beginning (1) and the end of this chapter (16-17) repeat these two theological concepts in echoes; and the passage speaks of several characteristics of King Messiah’s righteousness and justice:
- 使人安居樂業(2,18) — 本章的開始和結束, 先知提說公義和公平之後, 隨即描述一個平靜安穩的居所。
Allows living and working in peace (2, 18) – After speaking about righteousness and justice in the beginning and at the end, the prophet immediately gives a description of a peaceful dwelling.
- 群眾學效 (1) — 「必有『首領』(原文是「眾首領」,新譯本) 藉公平掌權」。說明在公義王的帶領下, 跟隨祂的人也公平地待人處事。
Modeled after by many (1) – “and princes will rule in justice” indicates that under the leadership of a righteous king, his subordinates will also be fair in their personal and business matters.
- 恢復正確的判斷(3-5) — 眼睛得以看見,耳朵得以聽聞,口舌也要用來作見證。結果他們因著這樣的信賴,必要明白知識,因此愚頑人不再稱為高明,吝嗇人不再稱為大方。
Restore discernment (3-5) – Eyes will get to see, ears will get to hear, and the tongue will also get to witness. Because of the trust, people will gain understanding, and therefore, fools will no longer be called noble, and scoundrels will no longer be called honorable.
- 聖靈澆灌 (15) — 舊約只五次提到「聖靈」, 而耶和華的靈「澆灌」是末 日的現象(參結卅九2珥三8-29亞十二10)。這節聖經毫無疑問是預言 五旬節聖靈降臨, 但是要留意以賽亞著重的不是聖靈降臨的異像、能 力或恩賜, 而是所要成就的公義和平安。這不單是個人心靈的平靜, 也是描述在神國度裡的和平景象。
Spirit pouring upon (15) – ‘Spirit’ has been referenced 5 times only in the Old Testament, and the Lord’s ‘pouring upon/out’ is an end time phenomenon (refer to Ezekiel 39:29, Joel 3:8-29, Zechariah 12:10). No doubt this verse prophesies the descent of the Holy Spirit during Pentecost. However, please note that Isaiah’s emphasis is not on the vision, the power, or the gifts relating to the descent of the Holy Spirit but the righteousness and justice achieved. This is not only about personal peace, but the tranquility in the Kingdom of God also.
很多年前, 朗費羅 (Henry W. Longfellow) 寫了一首詩, 「聖誕鐘聲」 (I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day)。詩人聽到聖誕鐘聲, 想起 天使曾經應許: 「地上平安歸與人」, 只有嘆息說:
Many years ago Henry W. Longfellow wrote a poem, ‘I heard the Bells on Christmas Day’. Upon hearing Christmas bells, the poet recalled the Angel’s promise of “peace on earth to men”, and he could only sigh and say:
沮喪失望, 我低著頭; 我說: 「世上沒有平安, 命運弄錯了, 詆毀了美麗的詩歌: 地上平安歸與人。」
And in despair I bowed my head; “There is no peace on earth,” I said: “For hate is strong, and mocks the song of peace on earth, good-will to men!”
現在的世界實在充滿混亂, 唯有基督成就和平, 並在聖靈裡結出和平的果子。
The present world is full of chaos; only Christ can make peace and cultivate the fruit of peace through the Holy Spirit.
每日讀經 by 洪同勉牧師 Rev. Tommy Hung
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