Friday, May 14, 2021

僕人之歌 THE SERVANT SONG (Ⅱ) — Isaiah 以賽亞書 49:1-26) — 每日讀經 by 洪同勉牧師 Rev. Tommy Hung


“Rise up; come to our help!  Redeem us for the sake of your steadfast love!” (Psalm 44:26)   




經文:  Isaiah   以賽亞書  49:1-26

釋義 :   本章大致上可以分為兩段, 以四首僕人之歌的第二首開始。但是學者對於這歌在何處結束, 卻沒有共識(大多認為止於6節; 但也有以7、8或13節為結束的)。這個僕人有時是整個以色列民族(3), 但本段多次單數的「你」也顯示是指一位的僕人──彌賽亞。

Insight:  This chapter can be divided into two passages, beginning with the second of the four servant songs.  However, there is no consensus among scholars as to when this song ends (most believe it stops at verse 6; but there are also suggestions that verse 7, 8, or 13 is where it concludes).  Sometimes this servant is the entire nation of Israel (3).  But multiple references to the singular ‘you’ also indicate one servant – the Messiah.  



    ●身份確立 是耶和華提名選召的(1), 因為事奉神「沒有人自取, 惟要蒙神所召」(來五4)。

Identity confirmation – Rested on the Lord’s calling by name (1), because “no one takes this honor for himself, but only when called by God” to serve (Hebrews 5:4).

    ●蒙召時間 「自我出胎、自出母胎」(1,5)。類似神對參孫(士十三5)、耶利米(耶一6)、施洗約翰(路一13)、耶穌(太一21)、保羅(加一15)等的呼召。這是強調神從祂的預知而預定僕人事奉計劃, 至於開始事奉的時間, 則因人而異。可能你仍然是在準備的階段呢!

Time of God’s call to serve – “From the womb…..from the body of my mother“ (1, 5), similar to the Lord’s call of Sampson (Judges 13:5), Jeremiah (Jeremiah 1:6), John the Baptist (Luke 1:13), Jesus (Matthew 1:21, Paul (Galatians 1:15), and etc.  This is to emphasize that God pre-devises the work plan of the servants based on His pre-knowledge.  As for the start time of serving, it varies between individuals.  Perhaps you are still in the preparation stage!  

    ●裝備使用 神主動: 「祂使我的口如快刀、又使我如磨亮的箭」(2)。神回應人的禱求: 「在悅納的時候我應允了你, 在拯救的日子我濟助了你, 我要保護你」(8)。

The use of equipment – God initiates it: “He made my mouth like a sharp sword…..he made me a polished arrow“ (2).  God responds to our prayers, “In a time of favor I have answered you; in a day of salvation I have helped you“ (8).

    ●工作果效 因為「神成為我的力量」(5), 所以「使雅各眾支派復興、使以色列中得保全的歸回, 尚為小事」(6)。

Work effects - “God has become my strength“ (5); therefore, “it is too light a thing that you should be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob and to bring back the preserved of Israel“ (6).

    ●差派目標 「我還要使你作外邦人的光, 叫你施行我的救恩,直到地極。」(6)以賽亞已經向人宣告神愛世人的救恩信息。

Serving target - “I will make you as a light for the nations, that my salvation may reach to the end of the earth. “ (6)  Isaiah has declared the message of salvation that God loves the world.



以色列人聽到以賽亞傳達的這個僕人之歌, 覺得難以接受。當時正值多事之秋, 以色列面對外邦的壓迫, 應接不暇, 與先知所說的復興景象, 有天淵之別。而救恩會臨到甚至欺壓他們的外邦世界, 對以色列人來說, 更是匪夷所思。所以他們慨歎: 「耶和華離棄了我, 主忘記了我。」(14)

Upon hearing this servant song from Isaiah, the Israelites find it hard to accept.  Faced with oppression from foreign nations, Israel is in turmoil.  Their current situation and the scenes of revival that the prophet talks about are as opposite as day and night.   The notion of offering salvation even to the foreign world that oppresses them is especially unimaginable to the Israelites.  Therefore they lament, “The Lord has forsaken me; my Lord has forgotten me.“ (14) 

在本章的下半部份(15~26), 耶和華肯定地告訴以色列人:「婦人焉能忘記她吃奶的嬰孩,不憐恤她所生的兒子?即或有忘記的,我卻不忘記你。看哪,我將你銘刻在我掌上;你的牆垣常在我眼前。」

In the second part (15-26) of this chapter, the Lord assures the Israelites, “Can a woman forget her nursing child, that she should have no compassion on the son of her womb?  Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you.  Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are continually before me.”

請留意家庭關係的名詞: 兒子/兒女(15,17,20~22,25)、新婦(18)、養父、乳母(23)。耶和華絕對與家人同心 敵: 「與你相爭的,我必與他相爭;我要拯救你的兒女。」

Please pay attention to the names of the family relationships: sons/daughters/children (15, 17, 20-22, 25), bride (18), foster fathers, and nursing mothers (23).  The Lord will absolutely fight the enemy together with His family: “I will contend with those who contend with you, and I will save your children.”  

你會用什麼社會角色形容神? 良心警察? 公義法官? 聖誕老人?  生命醫生? 心虛輔導員?

What character in the society would you use to describe God?  A police with a conscience?  righteous judge?  Santa Claus?  life doctor?  counseling psychologist?

聖經比喻神為慈愛父親, 引頸盼望, 準備投懷送抱歡迎歸家的浪子。他不但宰牛設宴、穿戒指、披美服, 「神既不愛惜自己的兒子,為我們眾人捨了,豈不也把萬物和他一同白白地賜給我們嗎?」(羅八32)你感受到神這樣溫馨、熱烈的愛顧嗎?

The Bible portrays God in a parable as a loving father, awaiting eagerly for the return of his prodigal son, and planning to welcome him with affectionate hugs.  Not only did he slaughter cattle to hold a feast, he also put a ring on his finger and a beautiful robe around him.  “He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?” (Romans 8:32)   Can you feel God’s tender, fierce loving care?     

每日讀經 by 洪同勉牧師 Rev. Tommy Hung

English Translation by Lori Wong

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