Father, glorify Your name (John 12:28)
經文: Isaiah 以賽亞書 64:1-12
本章的內容和格式都是接續63章。這兩章長篇禱文,從文學體裁來說,是一篇「集體哀歌」,正如詩篇四十四篇與哀歌第五章。63:7開始了先知向神祈求憐憫, 懇切陳辭, 期望能打動神的心, 為耶路撒冷和聖殿遭毀壞而施行庇祐行動, 紓解民困。「求你從天上垂顧察看」(63:15;64:9)是常見於此種哀歌的呼喊(例哀1:11;3:63;5:1詩80:14)。所羅門在奉獻新的聖殿所作的偉大禱告亦是用了相似的語言(王上8:30):「你僕人和你民以色列向此處祈禱的時候,求你在天上你的居所垂聽而赦免。」
This chapter is a continuation of chapter 63 in both its contents and style. In terms of literary genre, the two long prayers are ‘communal lamentations’ like Psalm 44 and Lamentations 5. From verse 7, the prophet starts praying earnestly for God’s mercy, hoping to touch God’s heart, so that God would spare Jerusalem and the temple from destruction and the people from calamity. “Look down from heaven and see” (63:15, 64:9) is a cry common in this type of lamentation (example Lamentations 1:11, 3:63, 5:1; Psalm 80:14). Solomon also used similar language in the splendid prayer written for the dedication of the newly constructed temple (1 Kings 8:30): “And listen to the plea of your servant and of your people Israel, when they pray toward this place. And listen in heaven your dwelling place, and when you hear, forgive.”
以賽亞向耶和華禱求, 緊抓著兩個神學觀念與主理論:
Isaiah prays to the Lord; he holds on tightly to two theological concepts and reasons with Him:
1. 耶和華的名 — 聖經中「名」是一個個體的代號; 耶和華的名等耶和華自己(參30:27)。以色列人的歷史就是要將神名字的偉大和奇妙發表出來。例如出埃及的神學意義是: 「我叫你(法老)存立,是特要向你顯我的大能,並要使我的名傳遍天下。」(出9:16)大衛殺歌利亞目的是:「大衛對非利士人說:『你來攻擊我,是靠著刀槍和銅戟;我來攻擊你,是靠著萬軍之耶和華的名,就是你所怒帶領以色列軍隊的神。今日耶和華必將你交在我手裡。我必殺你,斬你的頭,又將非利士軍兵的屍首給空中的飛鳥、地上的野獸吃,使普天下的人都知道以色列中有神。」(撒上17:45~46) 所以以賽亞在這裡求神「使你敵人知道你的名,使列國在你面前發顫!」(2)
THE NAME OF THE LORD — ‘Name’ in the Bible is the substitute for the individual; the name of the Lord is equivalent to the Lord Himself (refer to 30:27). The history of the Israelites is to proclaim the magnificence and wonder of the name of the Lord. For example, the theological significance of the Israelites leaving Egypt is: “But for this purpose I have raised you up, to show you my power, so that my name may be proclaimed in all the earth.” (Exodus 9:16); the purpose of David killing Goliath is: “You come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the LORD will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you down and cut off your head. And I will give the dead bodies of the host of the Philistines this day to the birds of the air and to the wild beasts of the earth, that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel.” (1 Samuel 17:45-46) So, Isaiah pleads for God to “make your name known to your adversaries, and that the nations might tremble at your presence!” (2)
以賽亞祈求神「建立自己永遠/榮耀的名」(63:12,14)不單是能力的彰顯──這可以為以色列人紓困, 更是祂超越一切的奇妙性情: 「從古以來,人未曾聽見、未曾耳聞、未曾眼見在你以外有甚麼神為等候他的人行事: 你迎接那歡喜行義、記念你道的人。」(4~5)──這令人讚賞神、榮耀神。
Isaiah asks God to “make for Himself an everlasting name” (63:12, 14). This is not just a showcase for His power – which can relieve the Israelites from their plight, but also for His wonderful temperament: “From of old no one has heard or perceived by the ear, no eye has seen a God besides you, who acts for those who wait for him.” (4 – 5) – That glorifies God and brings Him praises.
2. 耶和華是父 — 面對這樣一位偉大和奇妙的神, 以色列人相形見絀。他們不是那些等候神、歡喜行義、記念神道的人。更糟糕的是, 耶和華的偉大能力像火燒乾柴(2), 而以色列人犯罪成為可被火燒的枯葉(6),他們的前途就是無可避免的毀滅。
THE LORD IS THE FATHER — In the presence of a mighty and wonderful God, the Israelites seem pale in comparison. They are not those who wait for God, joyfully work righteousness and remember Him in His way. What is worse is that the Lord’s mighty power is like brushwood on fire (2), and the Israelites sin and become dead leaves that can be burned (6); their future prospect is unavoidable destruction.
先知知道他們唯一可恃的, 就是重複63章已經提及的身份: 神是他們的父子,而他們是神的子民這兩種關係: 「耶和華啊,現在你仍是我們的父!我們是泥,你是匠;我們都是你手的工作。耶和華啊,求你不要大發震怒,也不要永遠記念罪孽。求你垂顧我們,我們都是你的百姓。」(8~9; 63:8,16)
The prophet knows that the only thing they can rely on is the identity mentioned repeatedly in chapter 63 that is based on the two relationships where God is their Father and they are God’s people: “O LORD, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand. Be not so terribly angry, O LORD, and remember not iniquity forever. Behold, please look, we are all your people.” (8-9; 63:8,16)
有時我們覺得神在天上, 而且祂是個靈, 不缺(或不須)物質。我們好像無從入手, 不知如何表達與神的父子關係。
Sometimes we think that God is in up in heaven and He is a spirit, He does not lack (or need) any material things. It’s like we don’t have any clue how to express our father/son relationship.
讓我借用約壹4:20的話: 「不愛他所看見的父親怎能愛沒有看見的天父呢?」作兒女的, 今天就向父母表達你對他們的愛意。 作父母的, 兒女是從你們世上的父母身上認識天上的父的樣子。請你今天對兒女做一件天父會向祂兒女做的事。
Let me quote 1 John 4:20, “For he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.” As sons/daughters, let us express our love to our father and mother today. As parents, our children learn from us what our Heavenly Father is like, so let us do one thing for our children today that our Heavenly Father would do for His children.
每日讀經 by 洪同勉牧師 Rev. Tommy Hung
(English Translation: Ms. Lori Wong)