May the Lord arise upon me and His glory be seen upon me.
經文: Isaiah 以賽亞書 60:1-22
請速讀本章一次, 圈出「光」、「榮」、「耀」的字詞, 計算一下。
Please take some time to skim through the passage, circle wording related to ‘light’, ‘glory’, ‘beautiful’, and tally them up.
這些字詞在本章廿二節聖經中, 一共出現廿一次。這毫無疑問是本章的主題, 也是本書下半部份一個非常重要的神學觀念。
Such wordings appear a total of 21 times in the 22 verses. No doubt this is the theme of the chapter; and it is also a very important theological concept of the second half of the Book of Isaiah.
先知看耶路撒冷是世界萬國的燈, 在「黑暗遮蓋大地」中發光,吸引列國, 把他們的財物(5~11)帶到神的聖城來。這預言在以色列人被擄歸回的時候, 部份已經實現。古列和其他波斯王送了大批禮物,大力協助重建耶路撒冷和聖殿, 但是本章所描述的榮耀, 尚未完全來到。以賽亞所見的榮耀異像, 直指新約啟示錄所講的新耶路撒冷或新天新地。本章有許多經文, 顯示先知這個榮耀預言的末日性:
The prophet sees Jerusalem as the lamp of the nations, shining upon the earth covered by darkness, drawing the nations to bring their riches (5-11) to God’s holy city. A portion of the prophecy is fulfilled when the Israelites return from captivity; Cyrus and other Persian kings send loads of gifts and are heavily involved in helping in the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the temple. However, the glory described in this chapter has not yet completely been realized. The glorious vision that Isaiah witnesses points directly to the New Jerusalem or the new heaven and new earth spoken of in the Book of Revelation. A lot of the scripture in this chapter reveals the end time indication of the prophet’s glorious prophecy:
- 耶穌雖然神榮耀的彰顯, 但是基督的光仍然未如以賽亞預言的臨到萬民(2)、萬國(3,16)、遠方眾人(4,8)、眾海島(9)、外邦人(10)、列國(11)。
- Although Jesus reveals the glory of God, the light of the Christ is not yet upon the peoples (2), the nations (3, 11, 16), people from afar (4, 8), the coastlands (9), and foreigners (10) as Isaiah prophesied.
- 這些是永遠的光輝和榮耀(15,19~20)
- These are everlasting lights and glory (15, 19-20)
- 日月不再發光, 而全地充滿神的光這樣的境況, 正是啟示錄所預言的(啟七17十九1~7廿一23廿二5等)。
- The sight of the sun and moon shining no more and the entire earth filling with God’s light is exactly what is prophesied in the Book of Revelation (Revelation 7:17, 19:1-7, 21:23, 22:5, etc.)
雖然以賽亞期待著永遠的榮耀, 但是他也告訴讀者, 這榮耀不是只會在遙遠的將來(主再來)才突然出現, 其實「耶和華要按定期(意思是按著祂所定的進度)速成這事。」(22)神的榮耀已經發出, 而且按部就班、分階段和不同型式局部地成就, 直趨將來的榮耀高峰。
Although Isaiah longs for the everlasting glory, he tells the audience that this glory is not meant to appear suddenly in the distant future only (when Jesus returns). In fact, “I am the Lord; in its time (according to His schedule) I will hasten it.” (22) God’s glory has set out, advancing in stages and in different forms according to its schedule, on course for its future majestic summit.
- 「耶和華的榮耀發現照耀你」(1~3) 耶穌道成肉身, 在地上彰顯了神的榮耀(約一14十二28,38,41等), 將來會得最大的榮耀(太十六27十九28廿四30廿五31等)。在這段時間中, 神將榮耀加給一切行善的人(羅二10), 人的好行為也使神得榮耀(太五16)。
- “The glory of the Lord has risen upon you” (1-3) Jesus becomes flesh and makes the glory of God be known in the world (John 1:14, 12:28, 38, 41 and etc.), and He will be rewarded with the greatest glory (Matthew 16:27, 19:28, 24:30, 25:31 and etc.). Meanwhile, God will give glory and honor to everyone who does good (Romans 2:10). Our good deeds will gloryfy God (Matthew 5:16).
- 「萬國要來就你的光」(4~6) 耶穌降臨時, 神的光照在黑暗裡,黑暗卻不接受光(約一5)。但是耶穌吩咐門徒作世界之光, 普傳福音,結果眾多外邦人進到神榮耀、光明的國度中, 就如以賽亞所說, 「他們聚集來到你這裡」。(請留意這段聖經多次提到「來」)
- “Nations shall come to your light” (4-6) When Jesus came, God’s light shone in the darkness, yet the darkness has not overcome it (John 1:5). Jesus asks His disciples to be the light of the world, to spread the Gospel to all; and that brings many gentiles into God’s bright and glorious kingdom just as Isaiah says, “they all gather together, they come to you”. (Please note the frequent mention of “come” in this passage)
- 「我必榮耀我榮耀的殿」(7~22) 玉石的聖殿, 隨著主後七十年被羅馬將軍提多焚毀而消滅, 將來在新天新地中也不再重現, 只有主為聖殿(啟廿一22)。但是神卻在信徒身上建立了屬靈的聖殿(林前三16), 而神已將祂的榮耀放在他們身上了(林後四6~7)。
- “I will beautify my beautiful house” (7-22) After the burning and destruction by Roman commander Titus in 70 B.C., the temple of gemstones will not return in the new heaven and new earth; only the Lord Himself will be the temple (Revelation 21:22). But God makes His spiritual dwelling place in believers (1 Corinthians 3:16), and God has given them His glory (2 Corinthians 4:6-7).
以賽亞預言列國的財富會湧入耶路撒冷,使新的聖殿獲得美化與豐富(7,13)。聖殿擁有這般財富與國際地位的想法,可追溯至所羅門的傳說(王上十章)。但這亦建基於事實, 這城在那時已成為了極龐大的商業企業中心。當耶路撒冷在主後七十年被羅馬人所毀,據說當時的金價因燒熔了的聖殿黃金流入帝國通暢而顯著下跌。以色列人實在認真建築和極力粉飾聖殿, 使之美輪美奐; 基督徒又有沒有竭力鞏固新約時代神的聖殿──教會, 和在神用重價買來作聖靈居所的聖殿──身子上榮耀主?(林前三16六19~20)
Isaiah prophesied an influx of riches from the nations to Jerusalem; that will allow the new temple to be beautified and upgraded. The notion of the temple possessing such financial and international status can be traced back to the legend of Solomon (1 Kings 10). But it is also based on facts; the city was already a huge commercial center at that time. When Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans in 70 B.C., it was reported that the price of gold dropped significantly due to the amount of melted gold from the temple coming into the empire. The Israelites built the temple with all their heart and put in a lot of effort to decorate it so as to make it beautiful. Have we, as Christians today, done our best to strengthen God’s temple in the New Testament era – the church, and glorify our Lord with the holy temple that God bought at a price as His spiritual dwelling place – our bodies? (1 Corinthians 3:16, 6:19-20).
每日讀經 by 洪同勉牧師 Rev. Tommy Hung
(English Translation: Ms. Lori Wong)
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