求啟示先知宣講預言的靈, 現在來感動及指教我查考和宣讀耶和華的書
May the Spirit that reveals and speaks through the prophets inspire and guide me as I seek and read from the book of the Lord now.
End Times Prophecies
讀經: 以賽亞書 卅四 1~17
Scripture Reading: Isaiah 34:1-17
釋義: 卅四至卅五章是論及末世的段落, 總結廿八至卅三章, 相當於廿四至廿七章(也是論末日)總結十三至廿三章。
Insight: Chapters 34 and 35 are passages about the end times, which sum up chapters 28 to 33, just like chapters 24 to 27 (also about doomsday) sum up chapters 13 to 23.
本章只提到一個外邦國家──以東。以東(與摩押, 參廿五10)是以色列最鄰近、最恆久及最猛烈的世仇(埃及、亞述、巴比倫只是一段時期的侵略), 所以她代表神選民靂世歷代的仇敵。
This chapter mentions only one foreign nation, Edom. Edom (and Moab, refer to 25:10) were Israel’s closest, most long-standing, and fiercest enemies for generations (Egypt, Assyria and Babylon invaded Israel just for a period of time). Therefore, Edom represents the enemy of God’s chosen people of all generations.
The revelation that Isaiah received is an all-encompassing prophecy about the end times:
- 普世性 — 預言對象是「列國…眾民…地和其中所充滿的…世界和其中一切...萬國...天上的萬象」(1,2,4)。 All-encompassing -- The subjects of the prophecy are “nations…peoples…the earth…and all that fills it…the world, and all that comes from it…all the host of heaven” (1,2,4).
- 審判性 —「因耶和華有報仇之日,為錫安的爭辯有報應之年。」(8)「硫磺」(9)將以東的毀滅與所多瑪、蛾摩拉的傾覆相比(耶四九17-18)。 「這刀必臨到以東和我所咒詛的民,要施行審判。」(5) About Judgment -- “For the Lord has a day of vengeance, a year of recompense for the cause of Zion.” (8) With “sulfur”, the destruction of Edom is paralleled to that of Sodom and Gomorrah (Jeremiah 49:17-18). “My sword….. descends for judgment upon Edom, upon the people I have devoted to destruction.” (5)
- 末日性 --「世世代代……永永遠遠」(10,17)正如將來神的國存到永遠(但七8啟十一15), 神對外邦的審判也是永不改變。「煙氣永遠上騰」(10)在啟十九3裡, 應用在巴比倫身上(又見啟十四10-11)。 Regarding the End Times -- “From generation to generation…..forever” (10,17) – just as God’s Kingdom will be everlasting (Daniel 7:8, Revelation 11:15), God’s judgment on the foreign nations will never change. “Its smoke shall go up forever” (10) is applied to Babylon in Revelation 19:3 (also in Revelation 14:10-11).
- 宇宙性 — 「天上的萬象都要消沒;天被捲起,好像書卷。其上的萬象要殘敗,像葡萄樹的葉子殘敗,又像無花果樹的葉子殘敗一樣。」 (4)這些現象正是主再來前的情形(太廿四29啟六13-14)。「因為我的刀在天上已經喝足」(5)則說明神不但審判地上的國家, 同時也會對靈界施行審判。 Concerning the Entire Universe -- “All the host of heaven shall rot away, and the skies roll up like a scroll. All their host shall fall, as leaves fall from the vine, like leaves falling from the fig tree.” (4) These are exactly the signs before Jesus returns (Matthew 24:29, Revelation 6:13-14). And “for my sword has drunk its fill in the heavens” (5) indicates that not only will God judge the nations on earth, but also the spiritual world.
「你們要查考宣讀耶和華的書」(16)不單是要求以色列人查考以賽亞及先前先知的書, 以便對照不訛, 更是對今天信徒的呼籲。
“Seek and read from the book of the Lord” (16) is not an appeal that urges only the Israelites to seek and read the books of Isaiah and those of the prophets before him so as to allow cross reference and avoid misunderstanding, it is an appeal to believers today also.
根據廿年前美國蓋洛普的調查, 美國每週末有42%的人去教會, 比1937年多了1%。聖經知識也在增長, 由1954年只有34%的人能說出登山寶訓主講人的名字, 增加到42%。而能夠說出四福音的名字的人由35%升至46%。看來美國信徒對聖經的接觸多了, 你又如何? 最近一次是那時開始每日不間斷地讀經? 有沒有恆常的讀經計劃?
According to a Gallup poll from twenty years ago, 42% of people attended church weekly in the United States, up 1% from 1937. The level of Bible knowledge also improved – 42% of people (up from 34% in 1954) could name the speaker of the Sermon on the Mount; and those who could identify the Four Gospels increased from 35 to 46%. Apparently, American believers are more connected with the Bible.
What about you? When was the last time you started reading the Bible continually? Do you have a plan to read the Bible regularly and consistently?
每日讀經 by 洪同勉牧師 Rev. Tommy Hung
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