Thank you Lord for your steadfast love to me.
經文: 以賽亞書 Isaiah 54:1-17
釋義: 在四首僕人之歌講論神期望屬祂的人忠誠事奉後, 先知轉換了傳達信息的意象。以賽亞以一個聖經喜歡用的夫妻關係來比喻耶和華對以色列人的憐愛。
Insight: After speaking of God’s wish for His people to serve Him faithfully in the four Servant Songs, the prophet changes his imagery of passing messages. Isaiah utilizes the Bible’s favorite husband/wife relationship to symbolize the Lord’s compassion on the Israelites.
保羅引用第一節論撒拉及應許之約, 他們代表「那在上的耶路撒冷」(加四26~27), 說明以賽亞所講的, 不但對以色列人發出安慰, 也是宣告神一貫的心意。
Paul quotes the first verse when speaking of Sarah and the covenant of promise. They represent “the Jerusalem above” (Galatians 4:26-27), indicating what Isaiah talks about is not only to comfort the Israelites, but is also a declaration of God’s will all along.
在以賽亞宣講預言時, 「你這不懷孕的」妻子, 當然是指耶路撒冷。面對被擄, 以色列人最害怕 (4,14) 兩件事, 就像沒有兒子的寡婦:家毀人亡。耶和華按著祂公義本性並沒有應許免除這些災難, 但因祂喜愛施恩, 就應許以色列人祂會帶領他們經過災難, 並且苦盡甘來,重建家園、人丁旺盛。
When Isaiah proclaims the prophecy, “O barren one (wife)” no doubt refers to Jerusalem. Faced with being carried off, there are two things the Israelites fear most (4, 14), like a widow with no son: home destroyed and family perished. In accordance with His righteousness, the Lord does not promise to have these calamities removed. But He delights in showing mercy, so He promises the Israelites that He will carry them through, in the end they will prosper, rebuild their homes, and have a vast number of offspring.
●家園 — 以色列的女人, 出嫁從夫, 老來從子。不生育的寡婦,沒有兒子「丁權」, 不能繼承產業。耶和華卻應許猶大被擄後重新擁有耶路撒冷, 並且尤勝從前。量方面, 他們要擴張城界 (2~3); 質方面,以寶石為建築材料 (11~12)。
Home — Israelite women are to be submissive to their husband after marriage and subsequently to their sons in their old age. A barren widow has no male heir and therefore has no legal claim to inheritance. Yet the Lord promises that Judah would take back Jerusalem and much more than before the carried-off. In terms of quantity, they will expand their city limit (2-3); as for quality, have precious stones as building materials (11-12).
●人丁 — 被擄使人口(特別是精英)大大削減, 就好像是「不生養」(1)和「寡居」(4)。猶大被形容為「被離棄的妻」(6~7), 因耶和華向她「發怒」(8~9)而「蒙羞」(4節四次提到這個觀念)。但是神卻使她有更多兒女(1)。
Offspring — The carried-off will greatly reduce their population (especially the elites), just like “barren” (1) and “widowhood” (4). Judah is depicted as a “deserted wife” (6-7) because the Lord is “angry” with her (8-9) and she is “ashamed” (verse 4 brings up this concept four times). But God will bless her with more children (1).
本章的神學主題是: 耶和華是丈夫(1,5)。6~10 節的一段聖經,淋漓盡致地描寫一個模範丈夫, 對妻子恩愛的幾個特色:
- 施恩:「我離棄你不過片時,卻要施大恩將你收回」;
- 永遠憐愛: 「要以永遠的慈愛憐恤你……大山可以挪開,小山可以遷移;但我的慈愛必不離開你」;
- 守約: 「我平安的約也不遷移」。
The theological theme of this chapter: The Lord is the husband (1,5). Verse 6 – 10 vividly depicts the characteristics of how a model husband loves his wife:
- Compassion: “For a brief moment I deserted you, but with great compassion I will gather you”;
- Everlasting Love: “With everlasting love I will have compassion on you…..For the mountains may depart and the hills be removed, but my steadfast love shall not depart from you”;
Keeping His Covenant: “My covenant of peace shall not be removed”.
「西線無戰事」的作者雷馬克, 分析各國的小說, 語頗精闢, 他說: 「美國小說──兩人自始相愛, 直到故事結束才成夫妻。法國小說──一開始就投懷送抱, 但此後時生齟齬, 不再相愛。俄國小說──兩人既不相愛, 也不結婚, 接著足足有八百頁兩人一直為戀愛發愁。」中國小說──就像梁祝那樣, 雖然相愛, 卻不敢(或不知怎樣)表白,不談情說愛。神的小說(聖經)──神一開始就說明對人的熱愛, 並且一直到世代結束, 都是永遠憐恤、守約施慈愛。
The author of “All Quiet on the Western Front” Remarque analyzed novels of various countries and his remarks were fairly incisive. He said, ‘American novels – two persons fall in love in the beginning and only become husband and wife at the end. French novels - fling themselves at each other from the very beginning, but then experience frequent discord and no longer in love. Russian novels - two individuals neither in love nor married, yet followed by a good 800 pages about the two being miserable about falling in love.’ Chinese novels – like “Butterfly Lovers”, though in love, yet no courage (or not knowing how) to confess, forgo the love affair altogether. God’s novel (the Bible) – from the very beginning God has been clear about his deep affection for us, that He has compassion on us and He keeps His covenant and steadfast love until the end of times.
面對這樣的愛, 你的回應是……
Presented with this great love, your response is …..
每日讀經 by 洪同勉牧師 Rev. Tommy Hung
(English Translation: Ms. Lori Wong)
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