主啊! 平安時, 求你使我謙卑; 犯了罪時, 求你使我會痛悔!
O Lord, help me humble myself in time of peace, and give me a contrite spirit when I sin against You!
經文: Isaiah 以賽亞書 57:1-21
釋義: 以賽亞繼續發揮上一章聖經所講述的惡人情況。他們但求自己利益, 只顧飲食, 那理會別人死活。在這樣的屬靈境況中, 先知對生命的去向, 發出以下的神學教訓:
Insight: Isaiah carries on the discussion of the wicked from the previous chapter. They look after their own interests, indulge in food/drink, and have no concerns for others. For those with spiritual condition as such, the prophet gives the following teaching regarding the direction of their life:
- 死亡是自然的結果(1) — 義人受苦,不義之輩當然漠不關心。這是屬靈領袖變得荒淫、自私時必然產生的後果。那些素行正直的人在這樣的統治下,除了死亡和墳墓之外,沒有其它安歇之所。這些作為一國真正支柱的人死亡了;由於從末有人重視他們,所以也沒有人為他們的逝去哀傷。
- Death is a natural outcome (1) — The righteous suffer and the wicked certainly do not care. This is what would surely happen when the spiritual leaders become dissolute and selfish. Ruled under such leadership, those who have always been honest have no resting place other than death and graves. They, the true pillars of the nation perish; as they have never been valued, there is no one to mourn them.
- 死亡是義人的安息(2) — 以賽亞指出另外一面。他可能是發揮賢君約西亞過早死亡,並非禍患, 乃為不讓他目睹耶路撒冷被毀時難以承受的情景之教義: 「我必使你平平安安的歸到墳墓到你列祖那裏。我要降與這地的一切災禍,你也不至親眼看見。」(王下廿二20)
- Death means rest for the righteous (2) — Isaiah brings up another perspective. Perhaps he is alluding to the doctrine behind the untimely death of righteous king Josiah - it is not a disaster, but to spare him from the unbearable pain of witnessing the destruction of Jerusalem: “I will gather you to your fathers, and you shall be gathered to your grave in peace, and your eyes shall not see all the disaster that I will bring upon this place.” (2 Kings 22:20)
- 以偶像(巴力)為居所的人(3~13上) - 先知以上床形容人身體死亡進入墳墓(參2節小字),他也以床榻上的行動描述敬拜偶像的景況(7-8)。雖然以賽亞沒有指明假神的名號,但本段提到的在青翠樹下進行淫亂的敬拜,應該是指以色列人敬拜迦南地主神巴力。舊約的先知們強調他們所行的無益(12),結果就是沉淪。以賽亞告訴他們,「虛無的神」(「一口氣」的原意)要把他們吹去(13):「自卑自賤直到陰間」(9)。
- Those who dwell with idols (Baal) (3-13a) — The prophet describes entering a grave after physical death as resting in bed (refer to footnotes for v. 2). He depicts the worship of idols with activities in bed (7-8). Although Isaiah does not name any idol, the mention of the promiscuous worship under every green tree likely refers to that of the Canaanite chief god Baal. Prophets in the Old Testament stress that their deeds will not benefit them (12); in the end they will sink into destruction. Isaiah tells them, “Worthless Idols” (the intended meaning of “A breath”) will take them away (13); “down even to Sheol” (9).
- 以耶和華為居所的人(13下~19) - 投靠耶和華的人必得地土,承受聖山為業(13)。這些人雖然充滿罪孽,貪婪、隨心背道(17),只要心靈痛悔謙卑(15),耶和華必不再發怒,要醫治他和引導他(16-19)。更寶貴的, 神應許雖然他住在至高、至上、至聖的永遠中,卻紆尊降貴, 在靈裡與人同居(15)。
— Those who dwell with the Lord (13b-19) — Those who take refuge in the Lord shall possess the land and shall inherit His holy mountain (13). Although these people are full of iniquity of their unjust gain and go on backsliding in the way of their own heart (17), if they have a contrite and lowly spirit (15), the Lord will no longer be angry, and He will heal and lead them (16-19). More preciously, despite dwelling in high and holy place, God promises He will get down to dwell with us spiritually (15).
皮爾博士(Dr. Norman Vincent Peale)說:「死是從一種生存的光景,到另種新的生存光景旳過程。」
Dr. Norman Vincent Peale said, “Death is a process between one state of existence to a different one.”
史各脫(Walter Scott)說:「死不是長眠,而是最後永久旳醒覺。」
Walter Scott said, “Is death the last sleep? No, it is the last final awakening.”
Christians have a different view of ‘death’ than other people because we know that “to depart and be with Christ…..is far better”. We live in order to finish the work that the Lord gives us. When the time comes, we will go back to be with Him. To Christians, ‘death’ is to leave our work in the world behind and return to God to enjoy eternal glory together with Him.
每日讀經 by 洪同勉牧師 Rev. Tommy Hung
(English Translation: Ms. Lori Wong)
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