我必不再寬恕他們 I WILL SPARE THEM NO LONGER (阿摩司書 Amos 7:1-17)
祈禱: 求主每早晨提醒,提醒我的耳朵,使我能聽,像受教者一樣。(賽五十4)
Lord, wake me morning by morning, wake my ear to listen like one being
instructed. (Isaiah 50 4)
讀經: 摩七章1~17節
釋義: 第七章一至九節連續提到三個異象。在第一、二異象,先敘述阿摩司在異象中所看見的(七1、2、4)。然後有先知呼求的聲音(2、5節)。再後是耶和華決定的旨意(3、6節)。每一次都有耶和華的憐憫「後悔」,以致免除這樣的災殃。
INSIGHT: Chapter 7, verses 1 to 9, mentions 3 consecutive visions. Amos gives a narrative of the first and the second
vision (chapter 7, v. 1, 2, 4). Afterwards, the prophet cries out to the Lord
for mercy (v. 2, 5). Lastly, God makes a
decision (v. 3, 6). God shows His mercy every time and “relents”, and they are spared of the disaster.
But the third vision is different. The
Lord says, "I will spare them no longer." "No longer" is reminiscent of the
first two visions (vs. 3, 6), which shows that the Lord gradually revealed His
righteous wrath. This is because Israel’s
behavior remained unchanged even after the first two disasters had passed. The previous disasters were averted, yet the Israelites still did not mend their
ways. (It may also be assumed that
there was an intermediate period between the first and third visions, as
documented in chapters 1 to 6.) Thus,
when Amos sensed the arrival of the third vision of destruction, he no longer
prayed to stop the disaster; God's mercy had been shown in the first
two visions; and now in the third vision, He no longer "relents" nor commands
the judgment to stop.
第一, 二個異象很簡短, 也沒有說出神降災的原因, 但第三個異象卻相對詳細, 明顯地阿摩司在這裏指出神降災的原因:
The first and second visions are short, and it
doesn’t say why God is sending the disaster, but the third vision is relatively detailed,
and Amos clearly points out here the reason why God is sending the disaster:
(1) 虛假的敬拜 -- 以色列人不但是純粹只有外表、毫無實意的宗教行動, 達不到「那真正拜父的,要用心靈和誠實拜他,因為父要這樣的人拜他」(約四23)的要求。更而甚之, 祭司亞瑪謝:
(1) Fake Worship – The acts of worship of the Israelites were not
only insincere, but they could not even achieve the requirements of John 4:23: “The
true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they
are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.” What’s more, the priest Amaziah said: “This
is the king’s sanctuary and the temple of the kingdom.” (v. 13). The king’s sanctuary was not only the place
where the he worshiped, but it was under his authority, his control and
supervision. The king himself could offer
sacrifices and manage matters of worship (See 1 Kings 12:31-33). This is not only hypocritical worship, but ostentatious
worship, blatantly using royal power to replace God’s sovereignty, openly
violating the first commandment: “You
shall have no other gods before me.”
(2) 扼殺神啟示 -- 亞瑪謝禁止阿摩司: 「不要向以色列說預言,也不要向以撒家滴下預言」(16)。掩耳盜鈴、歪曲真理是好一個愚民政策。一方面在本地「給拿細耳人酒喝,囑咐先知說:不要說預言」(二12), 同時驅趕阿摩司的外來的屬靈資訊, 實行全面封鎖真理的啟示。
Stifling God’s Revelation – Amaziah
coerces Amos saying : "Do not prophesy against Israel, and stop preaching against the
descendants of Isaac" (v. 16). Deceiving oneself and distorting the truth is
a fool’s plan. On the one hand, internally: “Made the Nazirites drink wine and commanded
the prophets not to prophesy.” (2:12) At
the same time, driving away Amos’ external spiritual instructions.
撒旦引誘人的一個非常有效方法, 就是利用人「厭煩純正的道理,耳朵發癢」(提後四3)的傾向,
very effective way which Satan uses to tempt people is to make them " not
put up with sound doctrine, and to hear what their itching ears want to hear."
(2 Timothy 4: 3), making them become "rebellious people, deceitful
children, children unwilling to listen to the Lord’s instruction. They say to the seers, ‘See no more visions!’
and to the prophets, ‘give us no more visions of what is right! Tell us pleasant things, prophesy illusions.’”
(Isaiah 30:9-10)
by 洪同勉牧師 Rev. Tommy Hung
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