Friday, March 13, 2020

《以賽亞書 Isaiah 1:10-17》宗教的表現 RELIGIOUS BEHAVIOR

讀經:  《以賽亞書》一章10-17
SCRIPTURE READING:  Isaiah 1:10-17

釋義:  本段的開始:  你們這所多瑪的官長啊,要聽耶和華的話!你們這蛾摩拉的百姓啊,要側耳聽我們神的訓誨!格式與上一段的開始: ;天阿,要聽! 地阿, 要側耳而聽!  (2)相同, 顯示這兩段關係密切:

INSIGHT:  This passage begins with:  “Hear the word of the Lord, you rulers of Sodom; listen to the instruction of our God, you people of Gomorrah!”  This is similar to the beginning of the previous  passage:  “Hear me, you heavens!  Listen, earth! (1:2),  this means that these two passages are closely related.

1.   X阿,要聽!Y阿, 要側耳而聽:  是舊約一種對破壞盟約的訴訟句式。上段請天地作為好像陪審團的見證人; 本段則提名破壞盟約的被告: 以色列人。以所多瑪和俄摩拉來稱呼以色列人, 是一種譏諷, 所以現代中文譯本翻譯為:  耶路撒冷啊你們的領袖和人民跟當年所多瑪蛾摩拉的首都和人民一樣。 回應第九節:  若不是萬軍之耶和華給我們稍留餘種,我們早已像所多瑪、蛾摩拉的樣子了。

“X” hear me!  “Y” listen:  Is a manner of litigation against the breach of the covenant.  The previous passage calls the heavens and the earth to be a witness as if they were the jury; in this passage those accused of breaking the covenant are:  The Israelites.  Calling the Israelites, Sodom and Gomorrah was a way to satirize them.  Hence, in Today’s Chinese Version of the Bible it is translated as:  “O Jerusalem, your leaders and your people have become like the capital and the people of Sodom and Gomorrah of their times.”  This is in reply to verse 9:  “Unless the Lord Almighty had left us some survivors, we would have become like Sodom, we would have been like Gomorrah.”

2.  上段指出以色列人內心的問題: 沒有恆久信靠, 因而悖逆; 本段則說明內心靈性的悖逆引致宗教的行為不蒙神悅納:

The previous passage points out the issues of the Israelites:  Their hearts were not persevering in faith and therefore they had become rebellious.  This passage then shows that their rebellious heart caused their religious practices to be not pleasing to God.

● 獻給耶和華的祭本來是馨香和蒙悅納的(利一3,4,9), 但是耶和華卻說它們變為; 與我何益 (11);  我不喜悅  (11) ;  什至是踐踏我的殿宇 (12);  我所憎惡 (13);  我心恨惡 (14 );  我以為麻煩……不耐煩 (14)

The sacrifices to the Lord were originally acceptable and pleasing to Him (Leviticus 1:3, 4, 9, etc.), but the Lord said:  What are they to me?  (v. 11);  I have no pleasure  (v. 11);  Who has asked this of you, this trampling of my courts? (v.12);   Is detestable to me (v. 13);  I hate with all my being…I am weary of bearing them (v. 14).

原因 -- 神的說話是真實, 不會改變的。以色列人的獻祭不蒙悅納原因是他們不明白神的評論原則。使徒雅各指出信心必須有行為 ( 雅二14), 但是信心和行為並不相等, 所以雅各解釋:  信心是與他的行為並行,而且信心因行為才得成全。  因為人稱義是因行為,不是單因信。  (雅二22,24) 人有信心必定有行為印證, 但是有行為表現卻不一次出於信心。  先有於內, 才能形之外。  不是出自信心的行為就是偽善。  所以以色列人的祭物是虛浮的供物(13), 原因是他們作孽又守嚴肅會(13),  手滿了殺人的血 (15) 沒有敬虔內心的祭是不蒙悅納的。

THE REASON –  God's words are true and will not change.  The reason Israel's sacrifices were not acceptable was that they did not understand God's principle of criticism.  The apostle James pointed out that faith must have works (James 2:14), but faith and works are not similar, so James explains:  You see that faith was active along with his (Abraham’s) works, and faith was completed by  his works.  You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone. (James 2:22, 24)  If a person has faith, it must be accompanied  works, works confirm their faith.  But having works does not necessarily mean that they have faith.  What you are on the inside will eventually reflect on the outside.  Works that do not stem out of faith are hypocritical.  Thus, the sacrifices of the Israelites were meaningless (v.13), the reason was that they celebrated solemn assemblies while they continued to sin (v. 13), their hands were full of blood (v. 15).  Faithless sacrifices are not acceptable. 

解決方法 -- 消極方面:  要洗濯、自潔,從我眼前除掉你們的惡行,要止住作惡 (16); 積極方面:  學習行善,尋求公平,解救受欺壓的;給孤兒伸,為寡婦辨屈 (17) 但是無論消極或積極方面, 都包括自我內心的調校和要有良好的社會行為。

THE SOLUTION – Negative aspects:  Wash and make yourselves clean, take your evil deeds out of my sight, stop doing wrong (v.16);   Positive aspects:  Learn to do right, seek justice, defend the oppressed, take up the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow (v. 17).  But whether negative or positive aspects, one must self-tune their hearts and have good social conduct.

祈禱:  神啊,求你鑒察我,知道我的心思,試煉我,知道我的意念,      看在我裡面有甚麼惡行沒有,引導我走永生的道路。(詩一卅九23,24)

PRAYER:  Search me, O God, and know my heart!  Try me and know my thoughts!  And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!  (Psalm 139:22, 23)

by 洪同勉牧師 Rev. Tommy Hung

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