《以賽亞書 Isaiah 2:1-22》
《以賽亞書 Isaiah 2:1-22》
讀經: 《以賽亞書》二章1-22節
釋義: 上文提到復原的盼望, 對以賽亞來說, 是將來, 並且是遙遠的將來才會發生的事: 不是神不願意施恩, 實在是以色列人當時相當頑梗, 沒有悔改的跡象, 就如6節所說:耶和華,你離棄了你百姓雅各家,是因他們充滿了東方的風俗,作觀兆的,像非利士人一樣,並與外邦人擊掌, 所以耶和華說在末後的日子才有復興。
INSIGHT: For Isaiah, the hope of restoration mentioned above was something that would happen in the future: It is not that God was not willing to shed His grace upon the Israelites, but they were very stubborn at the time and showed no signs of repentance, as stated in verse 6: You, LORD, have abandoned your people, the descendants of Jacob. They are full of superstitions from the East; they practice divination like the Philistines and embrace pagan customs; so, the Lord said that there would be a revival but not until the last days.
●末後的日子是一個普世性的日子。 神的救恩計劃是按釐訂的進度, 分時期和階段發展。神救恩計劃從舊約直至耶穌的時候, 專注在以色列人身上, 所以耶穌差這十二個門徒,吩咐他們說:外邦人的路,你們不要走;撒瑪利亞人的城,你們不要進;寧可往以色列家迷失的羊那裡去。 (太十5-6) 既然以賽亞預言的是一個普世性的復興,自然不是著重以色列人的舊約時代, 而是末後的日子。
The last days is a global event. God’s plan of salvation was developed in stages according to a defined schedule. The plan of salvation of God concentrated on the Israelites from the times of the Old Testament until the times of Jesus; that is why, Jesus sent out His twelve disciples with the following instructions: “Do not go among the Gentiles or enter any town of the Samaritans, go rather to the lost sheep of Israel.” (Matthew 10:5-6) Since Isaiah prophesied about a universal revival, naturally, it wasn’t during the Old Testament times but the last days.
●在五旬節聖靈降臨後, 使徒們清楚明白神救恩計劃己進入一個新里程, 先知預言的末日由教會的設立開始 (徒二16-21), 救恩正如2-3節所說臨到外邦萬民 (徒十五14-18), 對於基督徒來說, 以賽亞所預言的事並非遙不可及, 而是置身其中, 經歷末後日子的進展和等候其完成。
After the advent of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost, the apostles clearly understood that God's plan of salvation had entered a new milestone. The last days that the prophet foretold began with the establishment of the church (Acts 2: 16-21). Salvation as stated in v. 2-3, came to the Gentile nations (Acts 15:14-18). For Christians, what Isaiah prophesied really wasn’t that distant or unreachable, but rather, they were part of it, experiencing the progression of the last days waiting for its completion.
既然我們己置身末後的日子, 就應該實行在本段講論的兩件事:
Since we are in the last days, we should put into practice the two things mentioned in this passage:
●尊崇耶和華的名 -- 以賽亞清楚說明在那日,惟獨耶和華被尊崇 (11, 17), 卑賤人固然屈膝, 甚至尊貴人 (9)、眼目高傲的、性情狂傲的 (11)、驕傲狂妄的、自高的 (12,17) 必降為卑。人本來倚靠和敬拜的金銀偶像必全然廢棄 (8,18,20)。
Exalt the name of the Lord – Isaiah stated clearly that in that day, the Lord alone will be exalted (v. 11, 17). Those in high ranks (v. 9), the ones with arrogant eyes (v. 11), the proud and lofty (v. 12, 17), they will all be brought low. The idols of gold and silver that people trusted in and worshiped will be completely thrown away. (v. 8, 18, 20).
●準備迎見神 -- 末後日子最後就是,到耶和華興起,使地大震動的時候 (19,21), 那是神的審判, 所以必須作好準備, 才能進入磐石洞中和巖石穴,躲避耶和華的驚嚇和他威嚴的榮光 (10,19,21)。
Be ready to meet God – The last days will be when the Lord will rise to shake the earth (v. 19, 21), that will be God’s judgment day; therefore, one must be ready , to flee to caverns in the rocks and to the overhanging crags to hide from the fearful presence of the Lord and the splendor of His majesty (v. 10, 19, 21).
立志: 主阿, 我不要倚靠世人或金銀偶像, 幫助我專一尊崇你。
Be determined: Lord, I do not want to rely on people or on idols made of gold and silver, help me to exalt You only.
每日讀經 by 洪同勉牧師 Rev. Tommy Hung
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