Thursday, April 30, 2020

新的國度 NEW KINGDOM 《以賽亞書 Isaiah 9:1-7》

讀經:  《以賽亞書》九章1-7

釋義 : 以賽亞在本段講論他那時代最需要的信息。當時 亞哈斯王靈性軟弱, 不能帶領以色列人敬畏神, 而國力更不堪一擊, 他為了對抗亞蘭和以色列國而投靠亞述, 結果 西布倫和拿弗他利 給亞述擄掠, 可說民不聊生。就在這樣的情況下, 以賽亞勉勵猶太人要仰望神, 因為神將為他們打破困局, 給他們一個新的國度。

INSIGHT:  Isaiah spoke about a message that was most needed in his time.  At that time King Ahaz was weak spiritually, not capable of leading the Israelites to fear God.  Also, the nation’s survival was hanging by a thread. To resist Aram and Israel, Ahaz went to Assyria.  Consequently, Zebulun and Naphtali were plundered; leaving those in the land struggling hard to survive.  It was under these circumstances that Isaiah encouraged the people of Judah to put their hope in the Lord, because He would bring about a breakthrough and give them a new kingdom.

光明的國度 --  他們將得著榮耀, 看見大光, 有光照耀他們(1,2), 這是預言國家將從幽暗痛苦得到復興曙光。亞述王當時將以色列劃分為三省:  1.多爾(即沿海的路);  2.基列(即約但河外); 3.米吉多(即外邦人的加利利地)。但先知所預言的超越政治層面, 從新約的引用,可知末後得著榮耀是應驗在耶穌基督的事奉上(太四13-15)

Kingdom of Light - They will be glorified, see a great light, and have a light shine on them (1, 2). This prophesies that the nation will be revived from the gloom and pain.  At that time Assyria divided Israel into 3 provinces:  1. Dor (the way of the sea);  2. Gilead (beyond the Jordan River);  3. Megiddo (Galilee of the Gentiles).  But what the prophet foretold is beyond the political realm.  Based on the quotation in the New Testament, we know that the prophecy about being glorified at the end was fulfilled by the work of Christ Jesus (Matthew 4:13-15).

●喜樂的國度 --  你使這國民繁多(3)清楚應許猶太國家復興,而這節聖經更進一步指出新國度的特色是充滿喜樂, 四次提到歡喜快樂,4-5節說明喜樂的原因是神為他們卸去肩頭所負的重軛, 消除戰亂欺壓。

Kingdom of Joy -- ‘You have enlarged the nation (3)’ clearly promises the restoration of Judah, and this verse goes further to point out the special feature of this new kingdom that it is filled with joy.  ‘Joy’ or ’Rejoice’ is mentioned 4 times. Verse 4-5 says the reason to rejoice is that God had shattered the yoke that burdens them, the bar across their shoulders, and the rod of their oppressor.

●和平的國度  -- 亞哈斯投靠亞述, 消除亞蘭和以色列國聯軍的壓迫,卻帶來新危機, 以暴易暴, 並不能使國復興。但是以賽亞預言的彌賽亞就大不相同, 因為神不單折斷他們所負的重軛和肩頭上的杖(4),而且政權必擔在他的肩頭上的君王能夠帶來真正的和平, 因為:  1.神預言他的政權與平安必加增無窮(7);  2.他有一個包含四個身份的非常特別名字:奇妙策士(新標點和合本及其他近代中文譯本正確地按原文結構把奇妙和策士兩詞連起來)、全能的神、永在的父、和平的君(6)。聖經斬釘截鐵地指出應驗預言的是道成肉身的神耶穌, 在十字架上所

Kingdom of Peace -- Ahaz sought help from Assyria to stop the oppression from Aram and Israel, but created a new crisis.  Returning violence for violence does not restore a nation.  But the Messiah that Isaiah prophesied is very different because not only will he shatter their yoke and the bar across their shoulders (4), he is also a ruler, with the government on his shoulders, who can bring genuine peace. For:  1.  God says that ‘Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end’ (7);
2. He has a very special name that includes 4 identities:  Wonderful Counselor (CUNP and other recent Chinese bible versions correctly links the words ‘Wonderful’ and ‘Counselor’ based on the structure of the original), Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace (6). The Bible directly points out that Jesus, God became flesh, fulfilled the prophecy and made peace through his blood shed on the cross (Colossians 1:20).

默想 : 既然我們因信耶穌而得以成為神國度的子民, 我們是否在和平的君的管治下, 成為和平之子, 給痛苦紛亂的世界帶來和平安慰?

MEDITATE:  Now that we have accepted Jesus and become a citizen of God’s kingdom, should we become a channel of peace under the reign of the Prince of Peace, and bring comfort and peace to this painful and chaotic world?

每日讀經  by 洪同勉牧師 Rev. Tommy Hung

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