讀經: 《以賽亞書》五章1-7節
釋義 : 這首是先知唱出的詩歌。在本段之前, 以賽亞只是耶和華信息的傳遞者。
INSIGHT: This is a song that the prophet sang. In the previous passages, Isaiah was just a
messenger of the Lord.
一章至四章, 一直都是耶和華向以色列人說話, 但本章開始, 先知不再是只一個傳達信息的工具, 但求真實客觀講解神的旨意,他也是一個主動和充滿熱誠的傳道人。我要為我所親愛的唱歌:(1)
我是先知以賽亞, 論他葡萄園的事的他下文說明就是耶和華(7),而葡萄園是以色列人, 並且先知稱呼耶和華為我所親愛的, 可見他不以自己為一個只求盡責的僕人, 乃是一個與神關係密切的伴侶, 他宣講信息並非出於責任感, 而是愛的驅使, 為神討個公道, 和透露神的心願。信徒讀經是否只求得到屬靈教訓? 會否尋求感受所愛的主之情懷?
From chapter 1 to chapter 4, the Lord had been
speaking to the Israelites, but at the beginning of this chapter, the prophet
is no longer just a tool for conveying information, he is not only seeking the
explaining the will of God, he is also an active and enthusiastic preacher. I will sing for the one I love: (v. 1) I am the prophet Isaiah, the vineyard I am
speaking about belongs to the Lord Almighty (v. 7), the vineyard is the nation
of Israel. Furthermore, the prophet calls
the Lord, “the one I love”. He sees
himself not only as a servant who is merely fulfilling his duty but rather as a
partner with a very close relationship, compelled by love to seek justice for
God and to reveal God’s will. Do believers study the Bible just to learn a
spiritual lesson? Will they not also search
to experience the feelings of love from their Lord?
令神氣結憤怒的事是: 耶和華愛祂揀選的以色列人, 盡量安排有利的環境給葡萄園, 選擇好土質: 肥美山岡(1);用盡心機,
他刨挖園子,撿去石頭(2);供給優秀潛質: 栽種上等的葡萄樹;設置保護裝備: 在園中蓋了一座(守望)樓; 為收成作好準備:
鑿出壓酒池等, 理所當然指望結好葡萄, 即使沒有百倍收成, 總不至空佔地土, 不結果子,誰知結果出人意表, 違反常理: 反倒結了野葡萄。遇到這樣境況,
What makes God angry: The Lord
loves His chosen people, the Israelites. He made sure that the vineyard had the best
growing environment, He chose the best kind of soil, a fertile hillside (v. 1);
He put all His effort into safeguarding it and clearing it of stones (v. 2);
Provided full potential: Planted the
choicest vines, set up the best protection around it: He built a watchtower on it and prepared
everything for a good harvest: He cut
out a winepress as well. He expected to
get at least good grapes, even if it didn’t give 100-fold of the harvest; of course it wouldn’t just take up space and
not produce any fruit. But the result was completely unexpected: It yielded only bad fruit. In such a situation, how could you not be
聖經除了用葡萄園代表以色列人外, 新約也多次用葡萄園或葡萄樹比喻信徒。神今天同樣期望祂用耶穌基督生命寶血所買贖的信徒,能夠結出屬靈的仁義果子。如果信徒和以賽亞那時的以色列人一樣: 他指望的是公平,誰知倒有暴虐;指望的是公義,誰知倒有聲(7)
In addition to the use of vineyards to represent
Israel, the New Testament also uses vineyards or vines to describe believers. Today, also, God expects the believers whom
He purchased with the precious blood of Jesus Christ, to bear spiritual fruit
of righteousness. If believers are like
the Israelites during the times of Isaiah:
He looked for justice, but saw bloodshed; for righteousness, but heard
cries of distress (v. 7), God’s righteous judgment will come upon them (v.
默想: 如果神現在對我說: 耶路撒冷的居民和猶大人哪,請你們現今在我與我的葡萄園中,斷定是非。(3)
我會與主同情, 請纓為神討個公道? 還是自慚形穢?
MEDITATE: If God says to me: “Now you dwellers in Jerusalem and people of
Judah, judge between me and my vineyard.” (v. 3) Would I sympathize with God, volunteering to
give God justice, or just feeling ashamed without any action?
每日讀經 by 洪同勉牧師 Rev. Tommy Hung
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