Monday, April 27, 2020

見證人 WITNESS 《以賽亞書 Isaiah 8:1-22》

讀經 : 《以賽亞書》八章1-22

釋義 :  耶和華為了消除人對祂應許的疑慮而親自給人兆頭外(11,14), 有時也會像本段聖經那樣, 使用祂的僕人作啟示的証據。

INSIGHT:  When God eliminates his people’s doubt about his promise, he himself would give signs (11, 14). Sometimes he would also use his servants as evidence of his revelation as in this passage.

先知的生活成為見證 -- 以賽亞除了蒙差遣作神話語的出口外, 他生活的各個環節都成為神啟示的詮釋: 與妻子同室、生孩子都是遵行神的旨意, 給兒子起個聖經最長和古怪的名字瑪黑珥沙拉勒哈施罷斯, 更是為了講明神對以色列人的計劃, 所以先知說: 看哪,我與耶和華所給我的兒女,就是從住在錫安山萬軍之耶和華來的,在以色列中作為預兆和奇蹟。(18)

THE PROPHET’S LIFE AS TESTIMONY --  Other than relaying messages for God, every aspect of  Isaiah’s live served as a message from God.  Even getting together with his wife and having children were upon God’s will.  Also, giving the longest and weirdest name Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz to his son was to announce God’s plan for Israelites.  Therefore, the prophet said, ‘Here am I, and the children the Lord has given me. We are signs and symbols in Israel from the Lord Almighty, who dwells on Mount Zion (18).’

祭司烏利亞和耶比利家的兒子撒迦利亞為神誠實的見證人(2)  --  神呼召好像先知以賽亞的人專職傳道作見證, 也使用其他人作見證。本節的烏利亞是祭司, 但撒迦利亞並不是祭司或先知, 他是聖經曇花一現的耶比利亞的兒子, 可以說是一個非常普通的信徒。保羅說: 你們就是我們的薦信,寫在我們的心裡,被眾人所知道所念誦的。你們明顯是基督的信,藉着我們修成的。不是用墨寫的,乃是用永生神的靈寫的;不是寫在石版上,乃是寫在心版上。(林後三2-3)

God calls designated personnel such as preachers like Isaiah as witnesses. He also uses other people. The Uriah in this verse was a priest. But Zechariah was neither a priest nor a prophet. He, the son of Jeberekiah, with very short-lived appearance in the Bible, was considered a very ordinary believer. Paul said, ‘You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everybody. You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts (2 Corinthians 3:2-3).’

以馬內利──神與人同在 --  3-10節是第二篇以馬內利詩歌, 用字和觀念都與第七章相同:  1.都提到女子懷孕; 2. 耶和華吩咐給嬰孩起一個特別的名字, 而且解釋名字所預表的意義;  3.孩子還幼的時候, 亞蘭和以色列國將被亞述擄掠;  4.兩個孩子都叫以馬內利。七章沒有交代以馬內利母親的童女是誰, 但本章說明以賽亞妻子所生的兒子瑪黑珥沙拉勒哈施罷斯又叫做以馬內利而(8),象徵神的同在, 所以中文聖經將10節原文再次提到的以馬內利, 意譯出來:神與我們同在。

IMMANUEL – GOD WITH HIS PEOPLE -- Verse 3 -10 was the second song about Immanuel with verbiage and concept identical to Chapter 7:  1) Both mentioned a woman would conceive;   2) God instructed to give a special name to the baby, and explained the meaning prophesied by the name;   3) When the child was still an infant, Aram and Israel whose people and wealth would be carried off by Assyria;   4) Both children were called Immanuel.   In chapter 7, it does not reveal the identity of the virgin, the mother of Immanuel.   But in this chapter, it states that the child given birth by Isaiah’s wife, Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz, was also called Immanuel (8),  and signified God with his people. Therefore, Chinese bible has verse 10 of the original version where Immanuel is mentioned the second time, translated to its meaning:  God is with us.

本段的主題是: 神要用不同的人物作見證, 呼籲人以祂為主(5), 尊祂為聖(13), 仰望祂(17), 求問祂(19)

The theme of this passage is:   God uses different characters to witness for him, call on his people to follow him (5), regard him as the holy one (13), put their trust in him (17), and inquire of him (19).

呼籲:  你可肯作神誠實的見證人, 以生活言行榮耀祂?

CHALLENGE: Are you willing to be a reliable witness for God, to glorify him with your
life, words and actions?

每日讀經  by 洪同勉牧師 Rev. Tommy Hung

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